We are larger than Life


Our most wonderful life experience is not exactly being measured by physical events but by our inner perception of those events.

Relatively often we tend to believe that certain events which are dear to our Heart only allow us to respond to by choosing from a preprogrammed pool of inner emotion. "Death" of a most loved one, for instance, virtually always has the default option 'sadness'. Yet the more aware we become, and the more we shake off energetic density by cleansing inner trauma, the more able will we be to rejig the preprogrammed default option into the individualized emotional response of our choice.

If we wish to shift our individualized emotional response to the "Death" of a most loved one from 'sadness' to 'authentic and loving Happiness and Joy', the only premise placed upon us in order to shift our inner world and perception accordingly is the willingness to authentically release any and all inner energetically dense emotions like sadness, regret or guilt, in short: cutting preprogrammed emotional cords to physical events of any kind.


Only in this way we gradually come to understand that no matter what the physical manifestation of a 'life altering event' will look like, it holds absolutely no indication as to our internal experience of the event.

The more we attempt to take responsibility by focusing on the most wonderful physical manifestation of an event close to our Heart, the more irresponsible and forgetful we will grow about our truest and most quintessential power: the emotional experience!

Consciously releasing dense preprogrammed energies will entail experiences where we notice drastic sudden changes in timelines. These will make us feel as if we have leapfrogged an event that would have happened exactly in this time frame, hadn't we already unrooted and experienced the entire energy of this event and its original effect on us by having exchanged the final long-term conscious physical density event for the preemptive short-term subconscious Quantum event fully aware in the dream state with its energetic echo effect it will then have on us in the waking state until the entire energy has been completely felt and healed. Some weird yet very compelling momentary time leaps are possible during which we physically feel the dissipation of very dense energy, namely the final let go of the lower timeline event.


The physical is the outside, the emotion the inside. So long as we try to manipulate the outside in order to achieve the desired inside, we will follow the principle 'Life dictates, we adapt'. It is once we grasp that we have most fundamental power over our emotional experience that the physical will reflect that back to us. Now there is no doubt left: WE dictate, life adapts.

Any event which is most closely related to our Heart's and Soul's well-being cannot possibly be experienced as being 'beyond our control' as long as we are aware that our most quintessential creative power lies in the ability to choose our emotional Self-expression.

We are larger than Life.

Much Love and Light,


Images: Pixabay


"What is mysticism? Mysticism is the acceptance of allegations without evidence or proof, either apart from or against the evidence of one’s senses and one’s reason. Mysticism is the claim to some non-sensory, non-rational, non-definable, non-identifiable means of knowledge, such as “instinct,” “intuition,” “revelation,” or any form of “just knowing.”

Reason is the perception of reality, and rests on a single axiom: the Law of Identity.

Mysticism is the claim to the perception of some other reality — other than the one in which we live — whose definition is only that it is not natural, it is supernatural, and is to be perceived by some form of unnatural or supernatural means."

Ayn Rand, Philosophy: Who Needs It, 62

Well quoted! How good that we are all supernatural! ;)

Es cierto! el proceso de liberación de las energias densas nos permite avanzar y prepararnos para algo mejor! soltando esas energías que no nos ayudan nos sentimos libres como si quitáramos un gran peso de encima!
It is true! The process of releasing dense energies allows us to move forward and prepare for something better! releasing those energies that do not help us, we feel free as if we were taking a great weight off!

Yeah, the energy release, the final let go, is physically palpable as well. We feel the energy dissipating. :)

Again great Article with big insights. The other ppl expect us to show sadness. Its a learned reaction to this event.

WE dictate, life adapts.

if we dont use this, others will dictate. Letting go is pure freedom

I like that you said 'reaction', because 'reacting' basically means repeating patterns of the past and transferring them onto the current moment. The word 'reaction' hence is kind of opposite to 'responsibility' which is the ability to respond. The former implies that we give the current moment meaning depending on the meaning we gave it in the past, which is shutting us close to new solutions, while respond means that we see that the current moment itself is meaningless without drag to the past or future, thus allowing for new solutions. :)

Thanks for your comment! Always appreciate your contemplations!

The word 'reaction' hence is kind of opposite to 'responsibility' which is the ability to respond.

uff, deep stuff. I never saw it this way but now it is obvios. So I will try to respond to events and not only to react

Haha, yeah. Whenever I hear someone say the common phrases: 'we have to react', 'we have to show a reaction' I cannot help smiling because this means that whatever the reaction looks like it will be rather calculable and predictable.

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Haha, always makes me smile! :)

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