Debunking Spiritualism with Kleptomania, Aged 10

in #spiritualism8 years ago

When I was about 10, my parents got into spiritualism. I don't know why cause I thought surely the spirits would expose them for being terrible parents and then I would get taken into care. Every Sunday we would go to the local spiritualist church in the hope that the deceased would contact us through the medium. I found the whole thing really boring and I used to watch the clock tick down until it was time to go home.

I also passed the time by passing water instead. I would go to the little girls room just to break up the tedium of the medium. Next to the toilets, there was this little stall of small trinkets up for raffle. Now I also have kleptomanic tendencies and this was just far too tempting. A little voice inside me said 'If all this spiritualism is real, I would get caught, thus proving it once and for all'. I swiped a trinket and returned to my seat. Nothing happened and I went home at the end of the service.

I repeated this every week for about a month and nothing happened. I got away with it. I off loaded the trinkets on my school friends because I didn't want them, I just couldn't stop myself from taking them. I find it really hard to believe in spiritualism because of this experience.

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