Avyakta Murli: 31.12.2017.

in #spiritual7 years ago


Avyakt BapDada
Om Shanti

BapDada’s greetings for all His spiritual friends .
Today, the Friend of the hearts of all Brahmin souls has come into the garden of spiritual roses in a wonderful way, to sing songs from the heart and to fulfil the responsibility of love. Allah has come into His garden to meet you all. Generally, friends meet one another in a garden. You cannot find such a garden at any other time throughout the whole cycle. Today, all the children everywhere have the one desire to celebrate this New Year’s day with the Friend of their hearts. Today, BapDada is not just meeting you spiritual friends who are personally sitting in front of Him in your corporeal forms, but He is seeing a very huge gathering of children in their subtle forms. He is seeing the souls who are the loving friends of the heart. Who else would have so many true, spiritual friends? BapDada has the spiritual intoxication that no one has or will have so many such friends. The songs of the heart of everyone far away and also those close by are being heard. Which songs? “Oh Baba”! This one song of “Baba, Baba” can be heard in one tune and one significance everywhere. Whether you are called children or friends, all of you say the same words: “You are mine!” Khuda-Dost (God, the Friend) then says to each one: “You are Mine! Wah, my friends!” Sing a song! (All the sisters sang a lovely song from sakar Baba’s days.)

You can sing songs with your mouths for a short time, but the songs of the mind continue to play eternally. Today, very good thoughts and words of love of many children for New Year’s Day , have already reached BapDada in advance. People celebrate today with a lot of happiness. They give greetings to one another. BapDada also gives greetings to all the friends of His mind, the spiritual, subtle friends.

By using the right method, you will constantly continue to progress. You will remain constantly filled with all treasures. You will constantly be an angel and continue to fly beyond all bodily relationships. You will constantly merge the Father in your eyes and in your heart and remain lost in the love of belonging to the one Father and none other. You will constantly pass through all tests, problems and waste thoughts as though they are a line drawn on water and you will pass with honours. Baba is greeting you with these elevated good wishes. Baba is singing a song of the speciality of each and every priceless jewel. Today, people sing and dance. You mustn’t do this just today, but you must continue to sing and dance constantly. Constantly continue to give each and every one a subtle gift. When wealthy people visit others or someone visits them, they do not go there empty-handed. All of you are the greatest of all. Whenever you meet a Brahmin soul or anyone else, how could you meet them without giving them something? Constantly continue to give everyone the gift of good wishes and pure feelings. Give specialities and receive specialities. Give virtues and receive virtues. Continue to give such a Godly gift to everyone. No matter what type of feelings or wishes someone who comes to you has, you just give that person the gift of good wishes. Your stock of gift s of good wishes and pure feelings should remain constantly full. There shouldn’t be the slightest thought: For how long do I have to continue to look at others with these good wishes? Is there ultimately any limit to this or not? If you have this thought, it proves that you haven’t accumulated a stock of those golden gift s.

You are the children of the Bestower, the Bestower of Fortune, and the Bestower of Blessings, the children of Brahma, the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, who draw the lines of fortune. Therefore, your treasure-store has to be constantly overflowing. This year, don’t allow anyone to remain empty. Don’t go back empty-handed and don’t come empty-handed. Give to everyone and also receive from everyone. This is the year to distribute gifts. Not just for one day, but throughout the whole year, every day, every hour, every second and every thought that passes should bring further spiritual newness. Everyone speaks of the new day and the new night, but only when you elevated souls have new thoughts and new seconds can you show souls of the world the dream or vision of the sparkle of the new world to come. Up to now, souls of the world still want to know what is going to happen after destruction. However, this year, when every second and every thought of all you souls, who are the images of support, are the newest of all, the highest of all and the best of all, the sound of the sparkle of the new world being seen will spread everywhere. Then, what else will happen? They will see that instead of it being like this, it will be like that. They will feel that such a wonderful world should come quickly and they will very quickly become busy in making preparations for such a world. At the beginning of establishment, there were the special divine activities of dreams and visions. In the same way, at the end too, these unique divine games will be instrumental in bringing about revelation. The sound will echo everywhere: This is the One. This is the One. Then this sound will be instrumental in creating the elevated fortune of many. Many lamps will be ignited from just one.

Therefore, what do you have to do this year? Make preparations to celebrate the true Deepmala. Celebrate the Dashera (burning ceremony) of all the old things and old sanskars because it is only after Dashera that Deepmala comes. Therefore, today, Baba is telling the things of His heart to the souls who are the friends of His heart. To whom do you tell the things of your heart? You speak of them to your friends, do you not? Achcha, you have received greetings. Together with greetings, also keep with you the gift of this New Year. How many gifts do you want? There are many gifts merged in each and every one, and many are merged in one. BapDada has already given all of you children the best gift of all which is the diamond key with which any treasure you want appears in front of you. What is the diamond key? Just the one word “Baba!” Will you ever find a better key than this one? You will not find such a key even in the golden age. All of you are carefully looking after this diamond key, are you not? It hasn’t been stolen, has it? If you lose the key, you lose all treasures. Therefore, always keep the key with you. Do you have a key chain? Or, do you have just the key? The chain for the key is to remain a constant embodiment of remembrance of all relationships. So you have also received the key chain as a gift, have you not? The best gift of all is the key. Together with this, Baba is also giving you a bracelet for the promise you made for the year. What is the bracelet of the promise? You have already been told this: that every second and every thought when you are in connection with other souls should constantly be the newest of all, that is, the highest of all. Don’t look at the things down below. Don’t adopt the stage of when you are down below. Remain constantly up above: the highest Father, the highest children and the highest stage and there will then be the highest service of all. This is the bracelet of the promise.

Together with this, you have the box of decoration of all the virtues. You have a box of a variety set of decorations. Whatever decoration you want at any time, just wear that set at that time and remain fully decorated. Sometimes, wear the set of tolerance, but wear the full set! Don’t just wear part of the set! There should be the decoration of tolerance on your ears and the decoration of tolerance on your hands. By wearing the various decorations at different times, you will be revealed to the world as angels and deities. Constantly keep this trimurti gift with you.

You know how to fulfil the responsibility of friendship, do you not? Double foreigners make very good friends, but you must keep this friendship eternally. Double foreigners are clever in making friends and also clever in breaking up. You won’t be such that, one moment, you are friends and, the next moment, you are not, will you? BapDada is pleased to see you double-foreign children and how, as soon as all of you in all the four corners of the world received a signal, you had that old recognition. The Father found the children and the children recognised Him. Seeing this speciality, BapDada is congratulating you. Therefore, constantly remain a conqueror of Maya. Achcha.

To the eternal friends who fulfil the eternal relationship of long-lost and now-found friends, to those who tour around the garden hand-in-hand with the Companion, to those who constantly use the Godly golden gift, to those who are master bestowers and always full, to the master bestowers of fortune for all, to such loving and co-operative children everywhere, to the children in the corporeal form and the subtle form, love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada meeting the foreign teachers :

BapDada is extremely pleased to see the instrument teachers. You stay at your own places with so much love and remain constantly stable as embodiments of power and continue to give the experience of all powers. You no longer have the form of ordinary women or girls, but you are the most elevated serviceable souls. You are the showpieces in BapDada’s showcase. Seeing all of you, all souls recognise the Father. Every instrument teacher has the responsibility of world transformation. Do you consider yourselves to be unlimited servers? You don’t consider yourselves to be servers of one area, do you? You may be sitting in one place, but you are still lighthouses, are you not? You are those who spread light everywhere. Have you become a small bulb that only gives light to one place or have you become a lighthouse giving light to the whole world? Are you simply a light, or are you a searchlight or a lighthouse? You have maintained very good courage. You are all doing very well. In the future too, continue to do the best of all. You teachers are constant conquerors of Maya, are you not? What would be the condition of the students if Maya came to the teachers? If Maya came to you once, she would go to them ten times. This is why Maya should only come to salute you teachers, not otherwise!

The form of an instrument teacher is one who is constantly cheerful, constantly a master almighty authority. Remain constantly seated on such a seat. The place of residence of teachers is an elevated seat. You are not living at the centres, but on an elevated stage. Maya cannot come onto this high stage, that is, onto the heart-throne. If you come down, Maya will come. You Pandavas are also BapDada’s co-operative right hands, are you not? Those who look after the gaddi are called right hands. All of you Pandavas are victorious. You have played many games with Maya so far. Now, bid her farewell and, from today, constantly celebrate having bid her farewell for all time. You have been given a very good chance and you are also taking that chance. Achcha.

BapDada meeting groups:

BapDada is pleased to see the fortune of each and every child. Each of you children is claiming your own fortune. At the confluence age, the fortune of each of you children is your own and each one’s fortune is elevated. Why? Since you are the children of the most elevated Father of all, the fortune also becomes elevated. There is no father more elevated than this One and there is no fortune greater than this. The Father is the Highest on High. You do remember this, do you not? “The Bestower of Fortune is my Father!” What intoxication could be greater than this? A physical child has the intoxication of his father being an engineer, a doctor, a judge or a Prime Minister. However, you have the intoxication of your Father being the Bestower of Fortune! The Highest on High is God. Do you constantly have this intoxication or do you sometimes forget it? What would happen if you forgot your fortune? You would then have to make effort to claim that fortune again. You have to make effort to find something you have lost. The Father has come and saved you from making effort. For half the cycle, you had to labour in your interaction with everyone. In performing devotion, in the field of religion, you had to labour in everything. You have now become free from all labour. Now, on the basis of interacting with one another for the sake of God, even your interaction with everyone has become easy. You do everything in name as an instrument. Those who do everything as an instrument in name always find everything easy. It is not interaction with others but just a game. They are not storms of Maya but a gift given to you, according to the drama, to help you move forward. Therefore, you are liberated from all labour. There is no effort needed in order to receive a gift! Those who save themselves from such efforts and who are constantly master bestowers of fortune with the Bestower of Fortune, are called elevated souls.

BapDada meeting a group from San Antonio:

Do all of you consider yourselves to be special souls? Which place have you come to? Just think how many souls in the world would have the fortune of coming personally to celebrate a meeting face-to-face! What greater fortune than this could you want? Constantly keep this fortune of yours in your awareness. Then, souls who see the happiness of the attainment of your fortune will come closer and create their fortune. Remain constantly happy! You have become the Father’s children. Therefore, what did you receive as an inheritance? You received happiness, did you not? So constantly keep this inheritance with you. Don’t leave it behind. You have become masters of the treasures of happiness. So constantly continue to fly in happiness. There is no question of trying. If you say that you will try, you will continue to cry. Do you have to try in order to become a child? So, neither try nor cry! Leave behind the words that you will try. Constantly keep the Father and the inheritance with you! Remain combined! Wherever there is the Father, all the treasures will automatically be there. Constantly remember this one thing: The Father is with you! The inheritance is your birthright.

At midnight, greetings for the New Year:

Greetings to all the children for the New Year for the whole year. To such invaluable jewels who have recognised the Father and who have put on the crown of the responsibility of revealing the Father, to such constantly serviceable souls, the specially beloved souls wearing the crown, to the children who are seated on the throne, please accept greetings personally by name.

Residents of London, and instrument child Janak, and the original jewel, daughter Rajni, and also child Murli (Jayantiben’s parents) and the extremely loving, young daughter Jayanti, who is equal to the Father, and all the children who are engaged in service with you, such as Brij Rani, you are all showing your splendour very well. Whatever service you do is filled with spirituality. In this way, each of you children should accept greetings personally by your own name.

This is the New Year for new enthusiasm and new zeal. This year, consider every day to be a festival and continue to give enthusiasm. Remain constantly engaged in this service. Achcha. To all the children, BapDada’s love and remembrance from deep within the heart.

May you be a double server who does the service of serving with spiritual vibrations as well as with words.
Just as you serve with words, similarly, together with words, also serve with your attitude. Service will then take place fast because words can be forgotten at some time, but an imprint is made on the mind and intellect by vibrations. So, in order to serve in this way, let there not be any wasteful vibrations for anyone through your attitude. Wasteful vibrations become like a wall in front of spiritual vibrations. Therefore, keep your mind and intellect free from wasteful vibrations. Only then will you be able to do double service.

Instead of complaining (fariyaad), stay in remembrance (yaad) and you will receive all rights.

*** Om Shanti ***

Ref: bkmurli.com.
Image source: google images.

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