The idea behind the last couple of poems

in #spiritual6 years ago

The idea behind the last couple of poems

Greetings everyone!

Today something a bit different, well still has to do with the same thing but then differently.
Some of my work seems... dark, this was the idea behind it!

Opening myself up to my own inner darkness, my own inner shadow and my own mirror. The places where all the sadness, the pains and the misery sums up.

Why would you go there?

Well it is the treasure that is awaiting us in our own unknown regions of our mind, but not only that as well. The places that look very dark is there most of our light is actually shining, yet we do not understand it, even more we fear it!

We build our own idea our own perception around that we must only follow what does not hurt us, this creates an illusion and just an armor build up of unsolved issues which increases and can make us go crazy.

It is as if we are afraid to experience life to the fullest even with the pain of our existence!
Some even use pain to be more motivated for a better life, but most of us out of fear of pain are just running away from what we truly love and want to achieve in life.

This is a self created hell!

The idea and concept of hell is not linked to your inner darkness, but just perceiving your inner darkness as a hell and therefore living a life that is actually only 33% true at max (if you also do not love your anima/animus with it and fear that as well, sometimes especially for women their animus can look like a dangerous shadowlike beast/vampire).

There even was a time where men and women went through rituals to become an adult, which even has a big history of the feeling of death all over it, facing our darkness in such an intense way that life itself becomes the biggest ray of light!

From little boys being almost eaten up by ants or beaten up to a pulp by adult men as a passage to adulthood (yeah, some tribes of people still do it).

Why did this happen?

The main reason is so that the boys ego dies and the egoless man stands up, the true adult.

Because of the most horrendous pains he went through, life became a miracle, learning to use and accept that darkness as a part of life and even loving it!

Also showing that you have your intuition to guide you and that it is the only thing you can truly trust, means also accepting your Anima and learning how to love it and living by it.

Does it mean excluding other people?

No, ofcourse not, but it means falling back on your intuition once hard choices needs to be made, giving a goal, an aim to life. This is one of the pure biological settings and role of a man in existence.

Being a present to life, showing that you are worth existing, that you have something to fight for and going to work for.
A true aim or for some a True Will.

It is not without reason that in some more modern settings the lower version of the sun symbolises a man and its higher version a woman (as in the man and his anima being one, working together).

And the same goes for women with the moon, being its higher version a man (like a women and her animus).

rite of passage for women

For ladies it is a bit of a different story, because that of a boy to a man mostly has to do with accepting, yet taming desires. Loving himself and showing himself as being strong. (if you feel strong of your own, you do not only act strong, you are strong).

But for ladies it is more focused by different traditions aimed towards finding her goal and aims, for some it is standard marriage and kids (nothing wrong with that though) and for others it can even have to do with a job or task that they feel they need to follow.

The route though is very different of that of a man in the outer world. The inner one of that of the animus is direct like a sunray of light beaming one way.

But the exotic dance of a lady is different then just running from A to B. It is dancing around to that point, from social acceptation and knowing that they do not need it, to knowing no shame and their own strengths. Using the path aligned more to feeling and emotion, yet having that light that they follow for themselves.

Sometimes being distracted and other times fully on the path, being like a bird in a 6D tunnel of reality, walking many different paths of their chaotic, yet beautiful road.

A man has naturally these instincts to go from A to B and his anima is learning him how to get there without logic, but with feeling, emotion and accepting the more chaotic attitude of being in life, making the man relax and go with the flow, being one with life while still going forward!

In short it means for women to using their embrace with life with a goal and move forward instead of just dancing all around and randomly embracing life.

And for men it means having a meaning in life!

Before we go back to the main point i can recommend some books:

From Jung his work (all of it, it can give some interesting perspectives)
King, warrior, magician, lover by Robert Moore and Douglas Gilette
Simply read many pieces about different rite of passage cultures around the world!
And reading many pieces about sexuality and the feminine.

There is many more, but i have always been the kind of guy that just reads and forget titles and writers XD.
My knowledge is also based of the reading + my practical experience and results of my own work.

But to go back

Well, lets get back to our pains.
We sometimes can feel like bursting out in tears feeling our own hell, but instead of running way, why not be creative and use this pain to create something beautiful?

The pain tries to tell you something, it does not say do not do this, it says you may need to do it differently, so that you can be happy.

Remember if you feel lets say emotional pain, what is the direct intuitive shadow that you know is also real?

This can be the source and it means adjusting your path, not that you then do not feel pain anymore, but it means that you start healing!

My anima always tells me, if you feel pain it means that you are starting to HEAL!

Embrace this as well!

I use it for stories, poetry, views of love and relationships with others and yourself.
Using it for growth and development of myself and the others around me the best that i can!

Find and embrace your own being to the fullest, dark and light.
Remember all is duality, outside and inside.

As above, so below, as within, so without!

Have a nice day, night and aurora !!!


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