What is the spiritual gift of fortitude?
The seven gifts of the holy spirit are divided into gifts of the will and gifts of knowledge. Thomas Aquinas considers the gift of fortitude a gift of the will, along with mercy and piety. The gift of strength is different from the virtue of strength and the gift of perseverance.
The virtue responds to the desire for happiness that is the desire of the soul. The gifts respond to the desire for the good.
The virtue of fortitude is to stand firm in the work. The spiritual gift of fortitude is the result of the application of the gift of knowledge to the virtue of fortitude.
The goal of reason are the temporary things, but the goal of the spiritual gift of knwoledge are the eternal and immutable truths. And how we reach the eternal truths? With the progressive thinking. The gift of knowledge is progressive mind.
The gift of fortitude is progressive work or continuous improvement. The perseverance is the daily determination to doing good avoidin evil, it's main characteristic is the resistance.
The gift of fortitude is important because is in accord with the concept of nature.
The nature of the seed is the tree, the nature of the worm is the butterfly. So, what is the nature of man? If the nature of man is the conformity to God, then I only reach this nature with the continuous improvement, that is to learn to do the things a little better every day, and searching the perfection, the best.
Jesus in the teachings of the parables always mentions or alludes to progressivity. This is what underlies to the teachings of the kingdom of God.
The spiritual gifts are perfection. There is no place for mediocrity in the spiritual life.
The gift of fortitude is the base in the japanese business philosophy of a special concept: the kaizen system. Total quality and 0 defect are the results in economy of the application of this spiritual gift.
The goal of the spiritual gifts is success in life, and among the successes are the common good, the abundance, the prosperity, the good life and the longevity. The law of the return rewards the good deeds, the progressivity, the accuracy.
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