Most people are not aware of their 8 chakras .
Chakras are energy centers of the body that can unlock your inner psychic abilities and spiritual awareness with the higher self
The 8 chakras from bottom to top are
This is the root chakra also known as the Muladhara . Its energy focuses mainly on survival hence the name "root" or "support" . It is located and the end of your spine
this is the sacral chakra also known as the sexual chakra or Svadhishthana . This chakra is responsible for creativity , playfulness , sexuality and is located near your sexual organs
this is the solar plexus chakra also knows as manipura . It is responsible for self confidence and personal power .It is located at the naval point .
this is the heart chakra also known as anahata . It is responsible for love and compassion . It is located at the middle of the chest .
This is the throat chakra also known as Vishuddha . It is responsible for personal truth and expression . It is located at the throat .
This is the third eye chakra also known as Ajna . It is responsible for extrasensory perception, intuition and inspiration . It is the pineal gland which is located in the middle of the brain somewhere between the eyebrows
This is the crown chakra also know as Sahasrara . It is responsible for wisdom , ascension and universality . It is located at the top of the head .