Fire & Rain (The rising Elijah Generation)

in #spirit7 years ago

In "1 Kings 18:16-45" we read of the story of Elijah and how he challenged the 450 prophets of Baal to a showdown of power and demonstration. As we know there was no answer from Baal, though the God of Elijah answered with fire falling on the alter that Elijah had rebuilt (consuming the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the soil, and even the water that lay in the trench. The water which Elijah had ordered three times to be poured over the alter). Then in verse 45 of 1 Kings 18, we read that the three year drought is broken with a heavy rain.

As the Lord began to speak to me about Elijah, I was reminded about how "Gabriel" the angel of the Lord (in Luke 1) came to Zechariah and spoke to him concerning the birth of his son John, and how he will be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah, preparing the people for the first coming of Jesus.

So heres' the word:
Just as Elijah baptised the alter of the Lord with water and the fire fell, John (who carried the spirit and power of Elijah) came baptising in water with the message of Mat 3:11 " is coming who is greater than I am...He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire".

Though this time the fire in not falling on an alter made by human hands (it’s a new covenant fire), it's a spiritual fire falling on you and I (living stones). 1 Pet 2:5 "You also are like living stones, so let yourselves be used to build a spiritual temple—to be holy priests who offer spiritual sacrifices to God".

I heard the Lord say He is raising up an Elijah generation, a company of forerunners who live in the spirit and don't bow to the enemies intimidation, a generation of no compromise who disrupt the status-quo, a generation full of faith and without fear who are bold in the demonstration of the Lord, a generation who like John will be a prophetic voice declaring the second coming of Jesus (which is already here).

As the fire falls the drought will break:
The Lord is desiring right now to baptise his bride with the Holy Spirit and with fire, setting a blaze sons and daughters. As we position our hearts and spirits for a fresh baptism of fire, there will come a proceeding rain that will bring life to any drought. As the fire falls on you and I, so comes an outpouring over regions, cities, ministries, families, churches, nations, etc. We will begin to speak into circumstance and situation, releasing a refreshing as we ourselves have been refreshed. You are the drought breakers....this is the reason you are set a light!



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