What is Applied Kinesiology?
The word kinesiology is referring to the study of biomechanical movement, or the study of the body's movement. Applied kinesiology (AK) is a form of diagnosis and treatment based on the idea that all muscles connect to organs and glands, playing a pivotal role in overall health. AK works on the idea that muscle weakness leads to serious conditions like nerve problems, poor blood flow, glandular problems, or chemical imbalances. Chiropractors who work with AK contend that by strengthening this weakened muscle, you will heal the problem of the internal organ linked to that muscle.
AK can also help practitioners diagnose and treat nutritional imbalances and disruption of the life force energy (as understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine). The most common uses of AK are to treat abdominal diseases, headaches, diabetes, learning disabilities, psychological disorders, osteoporosis, dizziness/vertigo, and Parkinson's disease.
What Kind of Treatment is Used?
The chiropractor will first ask for a detailed medical history. Keep a list of medications and supplements along with dosages, as well as any medical records and images that have specific diagnoses. After that, the practitioner will perform an exam to look at vital signs, changes in blood pressure from lying to standing to sitting, skin sensitivity, balance, and reflexes.
They will also pay close attention to gait, posture, and range of motion in the joints. Once they have completed these basics, the practitioner will then begin to test the strength of muscles all throughout the body, looking for weaknesses in pressure testing. "Trigger points" are pressed on to determine if there is any weakness response in the muscles as well.
For less physical disorders, such as nutritional or psychological imbalances, other measures are used to help diagnose the patient. If there is suspicion a type of food is weakening the patient's muscles, that food is placed under the tongue while muscles are tested. If the patient suffers from stress and depression, they will be asked to think about a stressful or hurtful situation while muscles are examined for weakness or tension.
As seen, AK does not use one form of diagnostic testing. Instead, it uses various tests and techniques while taking an individualized approach to understanding the condition in each patient. AK practitioners understand and use the connection between mind and body, an important aspect of alternative medicine.
Risks and Side Effects of Applied Kinesiology
Overall, this form of treatment is considered safe for everyone. It's noninvasive and non-pharmaceutical. There are limited studies on the overall effects of AK, so the information we have in the field is based on experience and observation. The major issue found with using this form of treatment is if done in someone who is seriously ill. AK can inhibit and delay proper healing. In cases of serious illness like cancer, it's highly recommended that this not be used as a sole form of diagnosis and treatment, but instead used in conjunction with other conservative measures such as spinal decompression.