Baby spiders
I can't bring myself to break up spider webs so the front window of my house that is nearest the outside light is getting rather messy (not posting pictures 😝) There is one lurking hunter that looks like a wolf spider but most of them are hackled orb weavers, aka Uloborids. These spiders are found worldwide and are completely harmless - they don't have any venom, they capture insects in their web and wrap them tightly with silk, then ingest their prey by covering it in digestive enzymes. Here's an adult busy eating.
I think their lumpy abdomens are rather endearing. They also have rather wide front legs which they normally keep together when they rest in their webs although hers are apart as she is consuming her prey. The lumps and bumps tend to work well as camouflage, making the spider look like an old bit of a leaf or a bit of tree bark and if you go too close to their webs, they start swinging back and forth rapidly, I suppose this gives the impression of a bit of leaf or something swinging in a breeze and confuses predators.
This is a clutch of hatchling spiders. Although the large shape looks a bit like the adult spider, it is actually the egg sac
I suppose I really should work on clearing those cobwebs but I tell myself that if I move the light elsewhere, as I have planned, they will go away by themselves. I hate disturbing spiders
Oh! Finally I was able to connect to the Internet! No way again it did not work!
Great photos!
I like spiders but only small, large, I'm afraid!
But I think that this fear is caused only by ignorance: a poisonous spider or not. If not - then there is no reason to be afraid of it!
Especially as they benefit!
Of course it will be a pity if a bee or a ladybug gets into his web.
Eat and be eaten is a part of life
Oo makes my skin crawl!
But they are so cute!
Reminds me of an old song by Jim Stafford,
"I don't like Spiders and Snakes..."
Funny, I like both
I do not like spiders either. They inspire me with fear that they are poisonous. I hate to see how they catch a variety of insects in the web and then eat them.
So few of them actually are dangerous. I think humans have a primal fear of spiders. I like them very much
Great shots, we have plenty that are simular out side too.
They run and move quickly to get away
The babies are so cute! I feel the same way with spiders in my house, we have heaps of daddy long-legs around indoors, and their webs look really messy. I don't have the heart to get rid of them, plus they do a lot of good, I have seen them catch many cockroaches. I have heard that making a spray with peppermint oil will make them leave without harming them, they are supposed to hate it. I haven't tried it myself though.
I don't see any reason to make them leave although I suppose I will tidy up the cobwebs a little, force them to spin new ones
OMG, look at all those baby spiders!!
I'm sorry but I hate spiders lol
I think I need to go shower now, I feel all itchy all of a sudden.
😈 😈 😈 You just need to look at them more under your microscope
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol
Harmless or not you gotta admit it gives you crawls! I dont like spiders :(
Not at all. Say hello to my other little friend

OMG i just can't! I just had like a mini heart attack!
Good to know that there are species of spider that are harmless. But can I just watch they play? My earlier conception about them wont let me.
Wow, that's an impressive batch of new spider hatchlings... Spiders help take care of pests that can be helpful but it's no fun if they say crawl over you while you're sleeping...
Do you leave them alone because you like them, or maybe you don't really want to be near them even to get rid of them? Haha
I love spiders