What Drives You To Keep Goin On Steemit?
A Question I ask Myself at Least Once a Week
After a day that I've had, I'm surprised at how I'm able to boot up my laptop and start typing! Just like how you continue to grow and mature, so does your blog and experience on Steemit!
After 8 months on this platform I find myself blogging everyday, not motivated by money, but some unexplainable force. I'm always trying to define this motivation, but I can never clearly characterize it.

I think a lot of my drive comes from the want to support my friends, which then gets me motivated to create! I also have this anxious feeling that this Steemit rocket is going to blast off, so I have to establish a brand before this place gets flooded with more minnows lol.
Maybe it's my unwavering drive to become a dolphin? I've always been obsessed with setting goals and achieving them. I believe that anything meaningful in life is only achieved through struggle, and I'm all about challenging myself to become the best me I can.
It's to the point that Steemit has truly become apart of me. It's almost like a meditation to for me to share my thoughts and see how the community responds to it.
So what drives me on Steemit?
At this point this feel like I'm rambling, which could possibly be due to a funeral I went to this morning, mixed with a long work day, and my very essence trying to find the energy to go out and enjoy myself. That being said, I would love to hear about what drives you on Steemit?!
Hope you all have a relaxing and safe Friday night! This has been a message from your friendly neighborhood #spiderblogger!
I want Steemit to become a hub of creativity where good and great content is not only rewarded but reaches and connects with people through people power and not Facebook advertising. I also want to see what it becomes and I want to bring my friends here so that we can work together to build a community of UK bloggers. I want to see if Steemit can become my default blogging platform.
That’s a great goal! I want us to get bigger than Facebook too because I’m tired of companies making money off of our info! With Steemit we are able to blog and earn which is huge for those in countiries with scarce resources!
Thanks for that great comment and stopping by :)
Thanks for sharing #waphilip..
What motivates me daily is the greatness and creativity exhibited in the articles submitted to this platform. Any person who wants to be great associates themselves with great people. #Steemit therefore is a global village of great people and those to be, presenting an opportunity for one to follow, be followed or interact with another.
Also take an example of influence of steem power, the weight of the upvote this keeps me going because the higher you go the more steem power and the more the weight. In real life, if one keeps consistent with the little they have , they end up in bigger places.
That's mine.
More votes for you
I have thought about powering down as I also trade, but I love upvoting great content and comments (like yours).
Thanks #howmanymiles
Yo amazing comment! As a beginner it sounds like you have it all figured out haha!
Nice. Yeah, I think for me, part of it is the challenge to keep going and trying to build up the content and following into something valuable! I also enjoy upvoting my friends' content as well. I took a break for a few months but now I'm back at it. GL to you and hope your day improves! Cheers.
It deff did improve thanks!
And I totally agree with wanting to log on a support your friends! I also took 2 months off because I got burned out, but I have a way better valence now!
Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry for your loss. Hope loggin in here is changing the vibe for you :) For me Steemit also has this feeling of it's gonna go big. It already is big for me, I feel motivated and inspired again to create for a growing (not shrinking like on FB) group of followers who want to see my art! My # of followers increased by over 30% in a week on here, that's amazing! Followed you, found this post by the "motivation" tag
Hey thanks for the follow! And ayeee I’m a happy to hear that! With an attitude like that you will only continue to grow and thrive! :)
Nice! I'd probably say what motivates me is the opportunity to grow and network with people because who knows? You might run into them in the future and you guys might be able to help each other out :D
Well I think that’s a wonderful reason Mr. Carnage 🤓
Hey man!!
What drives me on this platform is the community that I have formed and the fact that I can show my talent with videos. I love making videos (dtube), which is why it is such a huge opportunity for me to turn my dream into reality. My dream is to make this full time! I want to create content and make videos and just be myself. Of course, there will always be days where you think to yourself if you should quit or not, but you just have to fight through it because overall, video making is part of my life. It is what drives me.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!
Winny out...for now ;)
That’s a dope reason to keep Steeming! I deff feel you about the days where you feel like quitting but Steemit is all about putting in work on the front end and watching your hard work pay off down the road!
Hell to the freaking yes mate!! I believe in steemit and dtube so much! It's fascinating how this platform is growing every single day and the best part is that it's still at the baby stage! And we are the early adopters!!! So wooohoooo!!!
Winny out...for now ;)
PS: would you like to join our dtubedaily group? The community is growing :) currently we have 23 members in there, helping and supporting each other :)
Yeah I would be down to join! I am trying to get my vlogging back on track, and I sometimes get goose bumps knowing we are super early to the party!
Awesome!!! The bigger the community, the more we can help each other out!!
See you in the inside mate!!
Winny out...for now ;)