What does Happiness mean to you? Or rather lets pick on JOY in the 12 areas of Life!

in #speakyourmind7 years ago (edited)

Joy vs Happiness. Joy and happiness are wonderful feelings to experience, but are very different. ... It comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are, whereas happiness tends to be externally triggered and is based on other people, things, places, thoughts and events.


Happiness and Joy can be very different experiences and meanings to each individual. I felt happiness and joy while taking my son to the beach. This comes from past memories and memories I think about in the future for my family. My son his experience is totally in the moment. He hasn't experienced this feeling or felt the sand on his feet or the sun on his head.


I am finding out in my Integrative Nutrition Class about 24 Character strengths and we all have pros and cons in these areas. If we become self aware of these areas we can experience more JOY in our life.

The List
Strengths of Wisdom and Knowledge: Cognitive strengths that entail the acquisition and use of knowledge

  1. Creativity [originality, ingenuity]: Thinking of novel and productive ways to conceptualize and do things.
  2. Curiosity [interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience]: Taking an interest in ongoing experience for its own sake; exploring and discovering.
  3. Open-mindedness [judgment, critical thinking]: Thinking things through and examining them from all sides; weighing all evidence fairly.
  4. Love of learning: Mastering new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge, whether on one's own or formally.
  5. Perspective [wisdom]: Being able to provide wise counsel to others; having ways of looking at the world that make sense to oneself and to other people.

Strengths of Courage: Emotional strengths that involve the exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face of opposition, external and internal

  1. Bravery [valor]: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; acting on convictions even if unpopular.!\
  2. Persistence [perseverance, industriousness]: Finishing what one starts; persisting in a course of action in spite of obstacles.
  3. Integrity [authenticity, honesty]: Presenting oneself in a genuine way; taking responsibility for one's feeling and actions.
  4. Vitality [zest, enthusiasm, vigor, energy]: Approaching life with excitement and energy; feeling alive and activated.

Strengths of Humanity: interpersonal strengths that involve tending and befriending others

  1. Love: Valuing close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated.
  2. Kindness [generosity, nurturance, care, compassion, altruistic love, "niceness"]: Doing favors and good deeds for others.
  3. Social intelligence [emotional intelligence, personal intelligence]: Being aware of the motives and feelings of other people and oneself.
    Strengths of Justice: civic strengths that underlie healthy community life
  4. Citizenship [social responsibility, loyalty, teamwork]: Working well as a member of a group or team; being loyal to the group.
  5. Fairness: Treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting personal feelings bias decisions about others.
  6. Leadership: Encouraging a group of which one is a member to get things done and at the same maintain time good relations within the group.

Strengths of Temperance: strengths that protect against excess

  1. Forgiveness and mercy: Forgiving those who have done wrong; accepting the shortcomings of others; giving people a second chance; not being vengeful.
  2. Humility / Modesty: Letting one's accomplishments speak for themselves; not regarding oneself as more special than one is.
  3. Prudence: Being careful about one's choices; not taking undue risks; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted.
  4. Self-regulation [self-control]: Regulating what one feels and does; being disciplined; controlling one's appetites and emotions.
    Strengths of Transcendence: strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning
  5. Appreciation of beauty and excellence [awe, wonder, elevation]: Appreciating beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in various domains of life.
  6. Gratitude: Being aware of and thankful of the good things that happen; taking time to express thanks.
  7. Hope [optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation]: Expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it.
  8. Humor [playfulness]: Liking to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people; seeing the light side.
  9. Spirituality [religiousness, faith, purpose]: Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose, the meaning of life, and the meaning of the universe.

If we take the below bullet points and think about our weaknesses we can strengthen some areas and create Joy and Happiness!
a sense of ownership and authenticity ("this is the real me") vis-a-vis the strength
a feeling of excitement while displaying it, particularly at first
a rapid learning curve as themes are attached to the strength and practiced
continuous learning of new ways to enact the strength
a sense of yearning to act in accordance with the strength
a feeling of inevitability in using the strength, as if one cannot be stopped or dissuaded from its display
the discovery of the strength as owned in an epiphany
invigoration rather than exhaustion when using the strength
the creation and pursuit of fundamental projects that revolve around the strength
intrinsic motivation to use the strength

If you don't want to be like the below character here are are few practices you can adapt to bring some ultimate peace of Happiness and Joy!

Finns emotions.jpg
Don't be like Finn!


  1. While you are brushing your teeth at night think of 3 things which made you happy during the day!
  2. Gratitude visit! Think of someone who you haven't thanked for something that they have done for you.
    This can be in a form of a letter as well. It would be more meaningful if you could do it in person and read it to them. Polish this letter and bring some tissues. Not for the person whom you choose to write the letter to but for yourself. Just saying...
  3. Do some deep self exploration. Find a sacred place that you can visit to reconnect to your inner voice. Take yourself on a date to this place with a Journal and a REALLY COOL pen...The pen is crucial...I mean what if you selected a pen and it was out of ink and you are at this really cool place and...It is kind of cool to ramble in a blog.

THIS IS IMPORTANT not just for the Journal. Write at the top of the Journal the following statement: I honor PROGRESS over PERFECTION. Then start writing...I don't care what you write...It can be anything. I do care, because its important to you! Enjoy learning more about yourself and spending time in this special place!

See this guy below. Yes, he is a guy and he is my youngest son. He is 15 months and his hair is long. We have cut his hair 3 times already! Yes, he is holding my daughters pink Barbie Car. He and I decided we are going to go see my father tomorrow. Because he is someone I haven't told how THANKFUL I am for all the things he has done in my life. Tonight when the kids are asleep, I will write this letter and my son, with the Barbie Car will go see him. Don't wait until you can't share your feelings with someone special in your life!
Ainge, my son below wish you all the JOY and HAPPINESS!!!! These do lead to good health. I will write more later! I would love to hear what brings joy to you and makes you happy?




Apart from the fact that kids are lights to the world
They bring a certain euphoria of both joy and happiness

Nice post. Thanks for differentiating the difference between Joy and Happiness.

I believe Happiness comes as a result of having passion for whatever we do, falling in love with our profession cos I've seen medical doctors who are not happy with their job and it affects almost everything about them.


Very cute boy you got there

And by the way you have a very handsome boy right there

So true. I believe joy comes from within while happiness is as a result of happenings or events that take place which could be either good or bad depending on ones logic.

True @chukwubalu! We are born with pure joy! Look at my little mans face! He only experienced joy at this point because he hasn’t felt human suffering at this point! Have a great week! Just my 50 cents on the topic! 🤷‍♀️

Thank you for the valuable lesson. Indeed i wont wait until i can't share my feelings with the special people in my life. I will do it right away

You never cease to amaze me.. first of all.. your son is really cuteeee😍
I always thought joy was more everlasting than happiness.. infact I used them both interchangeably.. this post has changed my mindset

Joy doesn’t last as long and happiness we can only create. We can’t rely on external sources it’s what we make of it! And there will be times when we don’t feel 100% happy but to sit with this feeling and recognize it we can appreciate joy and happiness more.


I think we have happiness when we find joy. Joy is more from within, when we are at peace with ourselves and it reflects on our outside then we can be said to be happy

And I must say.. Your son is Cute

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