If the post was text, I could translate them. But I really loved your introduction post and also checked your instagram. You are so beautiful and kind to the animals. Keep sharing. Say hello to your pets
Oh, I've also written it in English so you can read it ♥ In my other publication, I hope you can read it and tell me what you think ☺
Thank you very much for reading my introductory post! And for the nice words and the flattery
Me ha encantado mucho tu post. Tener un animal como estos en casa es una gran responsabilidad que america cuidados todos los días. Hay que amar a los perros para poder hacer tener uno. Has ganado un seguidor. Mi blog habla sobre los perros, si te animas pasas por mi perfil. Jejeje
If the post was text, I could translate them. But I really loved your introduction post and also checked your instagram. You are so beautiful and kind to the animals. Keep sharing. Say hello to your pets
Oh, I've also written it in English so you can read it ♥ In my other publication, I hope you can read it and tell me what you think ☺
Thank you very much for reading my introductory post! And for the nice words and the flattery
Me ha encantado mucho tu post. Tener un animal como estos en casa es una gran responsabilidad que america cuidados todos los días. Hay que amar a los perros para poder hacer tener uno. Has ganado un seguidor. Mi blog habla sobre los perros, si te animas pasas por mi perfil. Jejeje
Aaaw ¡POR SUPUESTO QUE TE SEGUIRÉ! Yo aaamo a los perros con todo mi corazón.
Igual tienes una seguidora por acá