in #spanish7 years ago (edited)

Muchas mujeres pasan la vida soñando con ser delgadas, y esperando ese momento maravilloso en el que “Al fin pierdan esos kilos de más” porque en ese momento si las va a querer alguien.

Evitan sobrepasar calorías, y cuentan puntos como monedas para completar un pago, o tareas para completar una misión en alguna aplicación de internet.

Esto es una moda que está atrapando tanto a hombres como a mujeres, que de un día para otro no solo cambien su forma de alimentarse, sino también su forma de ser, volviéndose irritables, malhumorados, e inclusive inconformes con la vida. Debo decir que no pasa con todas las personas que se unen al mundo fitnees, de hecho, quienes se comprometen realmente con mejorar su cuerpo, haciendo de la alimentación un hábito y no una “Dieta” para bajar de peso, deben también trabajar su mente, puesto que es la más importante cuando de transformaciones estamos hablando.

En ocasiones la comida es un obstáculo para ser felices, puesto que la vemos como un salvavidas de la cual nos aferramos para cubrir vacíos internos

Esas personas que realmente comienzan a incursionar en el mundo de la nutrición y el fitness, de hecho son más saludables mentalmente, porque son alegres, entusiastas, y a todo le ven el lado positivo, porque en realidad transformaron primero su forma de pensar antes de transformar sus cuerpos. Una persona que desea ser delgada, porque piensa que así es la única forma en la que va a ser “socialmente” aceptado por un grupo, por la familia, o peor aún por alguna persona en específico que queremos de pareja, entonces así baje 20 kilos o más nunca se va a sentir socialmente aceptada, porque comprende que la belleza se encuentra en su cuerpo y no en su esencia.

Amarse va más allá de la percepción que tienen los demás respecto a nuestra apariencia. Cuando nosotros tomamos la decisión de amarnos (Y sí, es una decisión), entonces nos vamos a nuestro interior y nos vamos aprendiendo a conocer, sin miedos, sin restricciones, y haciendo especial detenimiento a cada uno de los detalles que comprende nuestra naturaleza como seres humanos. No nos molesta nuestra voz, amamos nuestro cabello, y esa manía absurda de temblar el pie para dormirnos, también nos parece hermosa y particularmente perfecta.

Decido ser feliz

Amarnos habla de internalizar que ser compulsiva por la limpieza es lo que te hace tan única, y que cantar mientras preparas el desayuno es una característica que “DEBE” amar quien esté a tu lado, compartiendo tu vida. Si la persona que está a tu lado, siendo tu pareja, se siente irritado de los detalles “DE TI” que te hacen más feliz, entonces no te ama, y peor aún, si decides cambiarlos, entonces no te amas tu.

No estoy hablando de dejar la ropa tirada por toda la casa, o amanecer bebiendo con los amigos, esos son detalles de ti que no le generan provecho a nadie, y que desde luego pueden irritar a cualquiera, por lo que es bueno llegar a acuerdos. Pero, por ejemplo, si eres de los que ama la mecánica, y duras horas viendo programas de televisión en donde se hable de mecánica automotriz, no tienes por qué obligar a tu pareja a ver los mismos programas, pero tu pareja no puede restringirte de verlo, porque es algo que disfrutas, y el hecho de que decidas hacerlo, es un acto de amor propio.

El amor propio es tan imperceptible cuando existe, y tan evidente cuando no existe, que de él han nacido muchas historias de amores dependientes que terminan en tragedia. Amarte, es una tarea que debes cultivar a diario, diciéndote en el espejo lo hermosa que eres, lo maravillosa y lo única que sueles ser, particularmente PARA TI MISMA, y que quien sea que comparta su vida a tu lado, es irremediablemente afortunado. Canta, baila, silva, y contonea tus caderas celebrando lo fabulosamente perfecta que eres.

No estamos hablando de EGO, ni de arrogancia, estamos hablando de comprender que somos el resultado de una perfecta creación, y de que no estamos dispuestas a aceptar menos de lo que merecemos. Estamos hablando de que identificaremos quien se acerca para amarnos, y quien se acerca para hacernos daño.

El amor propio es tan necesario, que cuando lo tenemos, decidimos bajar de peso, no porque queremos vernos mejor (Porque es que hasta esos kilos de más nos quedan maravillosos), sino porque sabemos que nuestra alimentación podría estar afectando nuestra salud, y eso no es concebible cuando nos amamos; queremos sentirnos bien, amamos nuestro cuerpo, amamos nuestro organismo, así que procuramos darle lo mejor de lo mejor.

De vez en cuando podemos cometer algunos pecados, pero lo más importante es que todas nuestras decisiones estén basadas en el amor propio. Mantengámonos en contacto para que sigamos compartiendo temas que puedan ayudarnos a crecer espiritual y emocionalmente. Hasta la próxima.


Many women spend their lives dreaming of being thin, and waiting for that wonderful moment in which ** "At last lose those kilos of extra" ** because in that moment someone will want them. They avoid exceeding calories, and count points as coins to complete a payment, or tasks to complete a mission on an Internet application.

This is a fad that is catching both men and women, who overnight not only change their way of feeding, but also their way of being, becoming irritable, cranky, and even dissatisfied with life. I must say that it does not happen with all the people who join the phytnees world, in fact, who are really committed to improving their body, making feeding a habit and not a "Diet" to lose weight, must also work their mind, since it is the most important when we are talking about transformations.

Those people who are really starting to enter the world of nutrition and fitness are actually healthier mentally, because they are cheerful, enthusiastic, and all see the positive side, because they actually transformed their way of thinking first before transforming their bodies. A person who wants to be thin, because he thinks that this is the only way it will be ** "socially" ** accepted by a group, by the family, or worse by some specific person we want as a couple, then this way lower 20 kilos or more will never feel socially accepted, because he understands that beauty is found in his body and not in its essence.

Loving oneself goes beyond the perception that others have of our appearance. When we make the decision to love ourselves (Yes, it is a decision), then we go to our inner selves and we learn to know each other, without fear, without restrictions, and making special care of every detail that understands our nature as human beings. We love our hair, and that absurd mania of shaking our feet to fall asleep, we also find it beautiful and particularly perfect.
Loving us speaks of internalizing that being compulsive about cleanliness is what makes you so unique, and that singing while preparing breakfast is a feature that "MUST" love whoever is next to you, sharing your life. If the person next to you, being your partner, feels irritated by the details of "YOU" that make you happier, then he does not love you, and worse still, if you decide to change them, then you do not love yourself.

I'm not talking about leaving your clothes lying around the house, or sunrise drinking with friends, those are details of you that don't generate profit for anyone, and they can certainly irritate anyone, so it's good to make arrangements. But, for example, if you're one of those who love mechanics, and you spend hours watching television shows that talk about auto mechanics, you don't have to force your partner to watch the same shows, but your partner can't restrict you from watching them, because it's something you enjoy, and the fact that you decide to do it is an act of self-respect.

Self-respect is so imperceptible when it exists, and so evident when it does not exist, that many stories of dependent love that end in tragedy have been born from it. Loving yourself is a task that you must cultivate every day, telling yourself in the mirror how beautiful you are, how wonderful and unique you usually are, particularly FOR YOURSELF, and that whoever shares their life at your side is hopelessly fortunate. Sing, dance, whistle, and wiggle your hips celebrating how fabulously perfect you are.

We are not talking about EGO, or arrogance, we are talking about understanding that we are the result of a perfect creation, and that we are not willing to accept less than we deserve. We are talking about who will come forward to love us, and who comes forward to hurt us.

Self-respect is so necessary that when we have it, we decide to lose weight, not because we want to look better (Because even those extra kilos are wonderful), but because we know that our diet could be affecting our health, and that is not conceivable when we love each other; we want to feel good, we love our body, we love our organism, so we try to give it the best of the best.

From time to time we may commit some sins, but the most important thing is that all of our decisions are based on self-love. Let's keep in touch so that we can continue to share issues that can help us grow spiritually and emotionally. ? Till next time?

Many women spend their lives dreaming of being thin, and waiting for that wonderful moment in which ** "At last lose those kilos of extra" ** because in that moment someone will want them. They avoid exceeding calories, and count points as coins to complete a payment, or tasks to complete a mission on an Internet application.

This is a fad that is catching both men and women, who overnight not only change their way of feeding, but also their way of being, becoming irritable, cranky, and even dissatisfied with life. I must say that it does not happen with all the people who join the phytnees world, in fact, who are really committed to improving their body, making feeding a habit and not a "Diet" to lose weight, must also work their mind, since it is the most important when we are talking about transformations.

Those people who are really starting to enter the world of nutrition and fitness are actually healthier mentally, because they are cheerful, enthusiastic, and all see the positive side, because they actually transformed their way of thinking first before transforming their bodies. A person who wants to be thin, because he thinks that this is the only way it will be ** "socially" ** accepted by a group, by the family, or worse by some specific person we want as a couple, then this way lower 20 kilos or more will never feel socially accepted, because he understands that beauty is found in his body and not in its essence.

Loving oneself goes beyond the perception that others have of our appearance. When we make the decision to love ourselves (Yes, it is a decision), then we go to our inner selves and we learn to know each other, without fear, without restrictions, and making special care of every detail that understands our nature as human beings. We love our hair, and that absurd mania of shaking our feet to fall asleep, we also find it beautiful and particularly perfect.
Loving us speaks of internalizing that being compulsive about cleanliness is what makes you so unique, and that singing while preparing breakfast is a feature that "MUST" love whoever is next to you, sharing your life. If the person next to you, being your partner, feels irritated by the details of "YOU" that make you happier, then he does not love you, and worse still, if you decide to change them, then you do not love yourself.

I'm not talking about leaving your clothes lying around the house, or sunrise drinking with friends, those are details of you that don't generate profit for anyone, and they can certainly irritate anyone, so it's good to make arrangements. But, for example, if you're one of those who love mechanics, and you spend hours watching television shows that talk about auto mechanics, you don't have to force your partner to watch the same shows, but your partner can't restrict you from watching them, because it's something you enjoy, and the fact that you decide to do it is an act of self-respect.

Self-respect is so imperceptible when it exists, and so evident when it does not exist, that many stories of dependent love that end in tragedy have been born from it. Loving yourself is a task that you must cultivate every day, telling yourself in the mirror how beautiful you are, how wonderful and unique you usually are, particularly FOR YOURSELF, and that whoever shares their life at your side is hopelessly fortunate. Sing, dance, whistle, and wiggle your hips celebrating how fabulously perfect you are.

We are not talking about EGO, or arrogance, we are talking about understanding that we are the result of a perfect creation, and that we are not willing to accept less than we deserve. We are talking about who will come forward to love us, and who comes forward to hurt us.

Self-respect is so necessary that when we have it, we decide to lose weight, not because we want to look better (Because even those extra kilos are wonderful), but because we know that our diet could be affecting our health, and that is not conceivable when we love each other; we want to feel good, we love our body, we love our organism, so we try to give it the best of the best.

From time to time we may commit some sins, but the most important thing is that all of our decisions are based on self-love. Let's keep in touch so that we can continue to share issues that can help us grow spiritually and emotionally. ? Till next time?


Me recordaste un programa que veía donde le cambiaban algo del físico a la persona, cuando no le gustaba, pero primero hacían terapia sicológica para estar preparados mentalmente. Es que lo que dices es verdad, no importa el cambio que le hagas a tu cuerpo, lo que importa es de donde parte la motivación para hacerlo, si es desde el amor o es desde el miedo.

Esto funciona para todo en la vida. Nada realmente significa nada, lo único que tiene valor es si parte del amor.

Me gustó mucho tu post...

@minaydu Siempre, mas allá de lo que puedas pensar o lo que pueda estar pasando en tu vida, todo se basa en la actitud que tengas ante lo que tienes al frente, por eso, el titulo de tu post, es practicamente un slogan que tengo en mi vida, tu decides si ver lo malo o ver lo bueno, es mas tu decides si ves lo malo, mas bien como motivación a hacer algo bueno o no. Las almas son perfectas y ellas te colocan en el camino de lo que tu decidas hacer. Un gran abrazo de mi alma a tu alma.

@minaydu totalmente de acuerdo contigo...
Creo que debemos querernos tal cual soy...

ANAHATA Es el 4to de los 7 chakras principales, él es el que está relacionado con el amor universal, las relaciones, los sentimientos, la apertura a la vida y la compasión y dice "Amarme y aceptarme a mi mismo tal cual soy".

Cuando aceptamos lo que somos, estamos es paz con uno mismo, no habrá nadie que perturbe la tranquilidad y no habrá nadie que pueda hacerte daño.

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