Herry falcon llama loco a Nicolas Maduro
hay que estar bien loco para formar parte del gobierno nacional chimbo que esta despedazando a un hermoso pais", (@hernrifalconlara).
El miercoles el presidente maduro llamo "amigo personal al gobernador falcon, quien formo parte del chavismo" , y lo mando hacer maletas . "Nicolas maduro me ataca porque sabe que lo va,os a derrotar en lara".
Y cerro refiriendose sobre un supuesto cargo diplomatico asomado por maduro. "¿embajador en colombia? maduro lo que esta es bien chiflado....!
Herry falcon calls Nicolas Maduro crazy
- you have to be crazy to be part of the national government chimbo that is tearing a beautiful country, "(@hernrifalconlara). *
On Wednesday the mature president called "personal friend to the governor falcon, who formed part of the chavismo", and I order him to pack. "Nicolas mature attacks me because he knows he is going to defeat you in lara."
And he closed referring to a supposed diplomatic post raised by mature. "Ambassador in colombia? Mature what this is pretty crazy ....!
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