Construyendo el Camino al Éxito - Capítulo 1

in #spanish7 years ago

Voy a comenzar a escribir una serie de capítulos intentando compartir con todos ustedes todos los caminos que recorrí para poder llegar a un punto de éxito y me pude ganar el privilegio de poder escoger en lo que quería trabajar. En mi caso específico el poder invertir mi tiempo en mi arte.

Para esto tengo que empezar con mi propia historia y espera que esta sea una guía para que puedan encontrar inspiración y empiecen a construir un camino que los lleve a ese punto donde quieren estar.

christopher bonella violet promo cap 2.jpg

Yo nací en Brasil, en la ciudad de Sao Paulo, una metrópolis gigantesca con más de 22 millones de habitantes.

A los cuatro años de edad comencé a escuchar música de gran calidad a través de mi ya fallecido tío a quien le tengo mucha gratitud por haberme introducido a este mundo de música de alto nivel de calidad. Yo crecí escuchando a bandas y proyectos como Genesis, Yes, Dire Straits, Eric Clapton , Pink Floyd, Phil Collins, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Donna Summer, Delfonics, Led Zeppelin, Toto, Alan Parsons y otros legendarios artistas fueron mis más grandes influencias y me ayudaron en mi crecimiento musical.

A los ocho años tuve mi primer encuentro con una guitarra eléctrica y supe desde ese día que ese instrumento no solo iba a ser un hobby en mi vida. Empecé a estudiar guitarra clásica pero la guitarra eléctrica siempre estuvo primera en mis pensamientos.

No se porque razón pero agradezco haber tenido la luz de un emprendedor desde muy chico sin siquiera tener idea de que era lo que significaba ser uno.


‘’No basta con estudiar y trabajar con aquello que amas, tienes que ir más allá para alcanzar el éxito. Hay que aprender a ser un emprendedor!’’

Emprender es apenas una cuestión de actitud y no es pecado nacer con el espíritu de un empresario, pero puede ser un pecado no intentar aprender cómo convertirse en uno.

-Pero, ¿Cómo hago esto?

Aquí les va otro consejo.

‘’Tienes que encontrar un mentor en tu vida, alguien que te pueda inspirar y no dejar que te vayas por caminos dolorosos’’

Tener un mentor es algo muy especial y eso no tiene valor, es un valor intangible.

-Ahora ,¡Créanme seriamente en lo que les voy a decir ahora!

Ustedes pueden buscar por un mentor, pero él va a ser quien los escoge, un mentor siempre buscar a personas con actitud positiva, él va a saber que podrá invertir su tiempo y espera su lealtad a cambio.

Aquí voy terminando con el primer capítulo de esta historia, espero puedan tomarse su tiempo de leer este post y tengan una mente abierta para capturar las ideas que quiero transmitirles.

Voy a continuar compartiendo con ustedes en próximos posts y espero hacerlo de una forma dinámica con varias lecciones, si disfrutaron esta lectura espero me puedan acompañar.


Un gran saludo y muchos éxitos para todos.




  • You are flagging innocent people and calling them "collateral damage"!
  • You are trying to impose your rules by using your SP on ones weaker than you!
  • You have rejected all the diplomatic proposals we have brought so far!

Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance team using the WE-RESIST bot.
We will be resisting with a team, stronger each day, unless you stop downvoting innocent people.

To your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance

Cool photo

First of all - thank you for stealing my money. I'm a new at steemit and stop doing this article 3 days ago becouse of bad feedback and despite this you still took my money from me today....
Really, you whales are claiming the right to judge people? Why you don't flag other whales who play the frontier (like noob) and use a bit bots? Because it's your friend or you scary they cut your earning too?
How do you know that I dnt't want to write ambitious articles when I have more steem power and will be more visible?
The new accounts can even write a noble price won article and nobody even sees it. As a whalle you know that?

Should I keep my blog still or you will steal my money invested?

Steemit will never grow just because of whale behavior, not becouse of 100,000 people who just want to earn 1$.
Many claim the right of gods only because they have capital - this is neo neo capitalism, if it don't change , I will warn people to invest time or money in steemit.


You are bullied by @GrumpyCat on your post.

  • @GrumpyCat is flagging innocent people and calling them "collateral damage"!
  • @GrumpyCat is trying to impose his rules by using your SP on ones weaker than him!
  • @GrumpyCat has rejected all the diplomatic proposals we have brought so far!

@The-Resistance is here to stop this and protect the weaker ones from the tyranny of @GrumpyCat

Join our bot We-Resist to protect minnows
Come to our house to meet with the community

@GrumpyCat, to your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance

This is what I think of your garbage posts


This guy needs to get off my feed! i dont even follow him! why does anyone care!

I agree with you

English: Do you really think you need to pay every existing bot to upvote your postings? Are you this hungry for attention or money? Your wallet spend on vote bots is over-the-top.

Spanish: ¿De verdad crees que tienes que pagar cada bot existente para promocionar tus publicaciones? ¿Estás hambriento de atención o dinero? Su gasto de billetera en bots de votación es exagerado.

Você está errado amigo. Eu não estou faminto por nada do que você escreveu. Estou faminto por atrair pessoas boas e que necessitem de orientação. Tudo de melhor para você!

So paying for an excessive number of bot votes is your way of attracting good people who need guidance? Why not just post good content? Isn't this all you need if your rep is 66 with a lot of followers? ;) Your mission would be more convincing if you paid for bots and declined reward payments or didn't pay for bots period.

You're right!

Sad. Users like this ruin the platform. It's called greed.

Why did you at the very last second order a smartsteem? The window was already filled to capacity, and because of your 35BBD, everyone was in a big loss. If you do not care about us all, do not you feel sorry for your own money? Not to mention that I personally lost because of you at least 2 SBD after the payment of curators, in my country for this money you can live a week.

@PromoBot and @PostPromoter have an overbid protection of 10%, meaning that bids will start to get refunded should the round cost more than 10%.

I am sorry for your potential loss but those are no 365 Bet at Home. If you want to earn on upvoting please follow @haejin and his "analysis"

Please, Can you explain? I'm new here. thx

You are rewarded for a upvoting good content which is fair enough as everyone is benefit and this is the greates thing about steemit. Briefly, 75% of reward goes to author, rest is splitted between upvoters. Generally speaking earlier you come, quicker you benefit, but there is one thing, later you upvote more % of curation you get, as at the first minute 100% of this 25% curation reward goes to author anyway, at 15min this curation is splited 50/50 between author and curator, and after 30 minutes curator reward (25%) goes only for upvoters. Its kind of reversed auction. I understand everything but blaming author for setting bot before placing lucrative upvote bet is quite rude in my opinion...

Apologize, but I am getting sick how it become to work, bidding instead of upvothing. I start really like your blog. I come across it, because it somehow displayed in "Trending" in photography. I start reading it and they appeared to be quite interesting. I have expressed my satisfaction in comments, and you return to me with upvoting some of my photos. This is nice example of building relationship. Although my upvote is small I am happy to share with.

I was very attacked when I started on the steemit. Bad people, jealous and many things that did not make sense to me. But I've always said that I came here to be able to help people by sharing the life of my successful journey. I do not care if your upvote is low or high. I value people's attitude and respect, and you fortunately seem to me to be one of those good surprises here. Thank you so much for your generous words. You are very kind!

Sorry, I made a mistake because I thought I was coming in another round. I apologize and I would like to give you a gift. @elizzium2018

Thank you for being human. And I apologize for my emotional upsurge.

Don't worry, I enjoyed doing what I did for you. You are Welcome!

It's ok. It has happened a lot to me, too. However, I've started to learn about the bot patterns and about the bots that don't lose you so much, etc., so I'm still on the greens.

Once I bid like 3 SBD and got a $2.7 vote lol! But I've earned much more from other big bids so it's not a problem.

Gift Transfer 4.000 SBD to @elizzium2018

This is very generous of you, BTW @PromoBot and @PostPromoter have an overbid protection of 10%, meaning that bids will start to get refunded before the round cost more than 10%.

I wish more bots would do this! Although I saw once a bot that said that it had a protection but, after I bid, it got me more than 50% loss. But I trust that your word is worth more than that bot's.

Why have overbid protection negative at all. Shouldn't it be at zero. It seems paying for votes is always a losing bet. Usually the payout is -35% of your bid. You do that a few times and theres no money left

Hello @elizzium2018 , I just checked and you can do this too. I did not participate in your round. But okay, I'm glad to have given you a gift anyway.

I read the instructions for the smartmarket and realized what happened now. How to correctly write @dogimage, at the first minute 100% of this 25% curation reward goes to author anyway, at 15min this curation is splited 50/50 between author and curator, and after 30 minutes curator reward (25%) goes only for upvoters. Smartsteem to get more curations, prohibits voting for posts that are younger than 20 minutes and transfers the vote to the next round, but it still reduces the voting power for customers in the previous round, it's such a bug, the administration knows about it and promises in the near future. time to fix it.
Once again I apologize for this misunderstanding and in return I would also like to make you a gift - I will now ask all my friends to upvoted you and resteemed. You write really good posts!

Привет еще раз =)
You did not deceive, a good post and a good man

Thank you, You are welcome!

And I join the flashmob from elizzium2018. Voted and followed

Привет! Настя, что-то умерло в лесу большое и рогатое, ты впервые в жизни сделала репост!
@chbartist , I am very pleased to subscribe to you and would like to know if you have a channel on Youtube

FollowBack every day 100%

Lots of people seem to do the same thing. I see some rounds end at -85% which is ridiculous. I do question whether they flat out don't realize it or someone is doing it intentionally. All the bots should have overbid protection at zero, bots are greedier than bidders which is saying a lot.

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No solo vas a comenzar estos capítulos excelentes de orientación. Ya lo empezaste. Has marcado el inicio de este camino y eso no lo para nadie. Inclusive ni tú lo puedes detener. Me gustó eso del mentor que no soy yo el que lo elige, sino que él o ella es la que va a seleccionar a este servidor. . Y en mi caso eso está pasando. Es mi hija Endrina que cumple es rol. Gracias por tu escrito. Saludos cordiales.

Lo que logró captar mi atención antes de leer el post fue "Capítulo 1" Jajajaja impresionante, luego leo "voy a comenzar a escribir una serie de capítulos" amé la parte en que escribes sobre los emprendedores "puede ser un pecado no intentar aprender cómo convertirse en uno" tuvieron gran impacto tus palabras, espero con ansias el siguiente post, saludos desde Venezuela ;)

Desde hace unos días he visto sus publicaciones pero no me atrevía a escribirle... a dejarle un sencillo mensaje. Pero hoy, he visto la calidad de sus palabras y contenido que me decidi a escribirle y aun mas en vista de que responde con tal humildad los mensajes de sus seguidores que se ha ganado mi admiración. Sus palabras son muy precisas y llegan a cualquiera para motivarlo y entusiasmarlo en el alcance del éxito.

Gracias por este lindo post.

Gracias por sus palabras...

Me parecen excelentes tus ideas ahora a esperar que me llegue un mentor para que me encamine en la dirección correcta!! esperando el 2do posts!! gracias me gusto!!

Buenaas tardes, simepre es interesnte leer la hitoria de un emprendedor, mas si es en un medio tan compertido como lo es la música, te voy a seguir a ver que aprendo.

Recibe un caluroso saludo desde México.

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