Dreamer Contest: The structure of the possibilities [La estructura de las posibilidades]

in #spanish7 years ago (edited)


Us and Them
And after all, we're only ordinary men
Me, and you
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do
Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
And the General sat, as the lines on the map
Moved from side to side


When I listen to both songs and reflect on Steemit, only an idea comes to my mind: the creator capacity of the human being.

Cuando escucho ambas canciones y reflexiono sobre Steemit solo viene a mi mente una idea: la capacidad creadora del ser humano.

Human beings have the beautiful ability to transmute the world of our imagination to the real world, to the tangible and visible world, and, in the process, we build for ourselves and for the rest of the people, the path of possibilities.

Los seres humanos tenemos la hermosa capacidad de transmutar el mundo de nuestra imaginación al mundo real, al mundo tangible y visible, y, en el proceso, edificamos para nosotros y para el resto el camino de las posibilidades.

The possibilities are, in my view, the true name of what we insist on calling "hope". When a person builds a possibility he is creating hope, not only for himself but for the rest of society which does not see the light or the strength that they have inside.

Las posibilidades son, a mi forma de ver, el verdadero nombre de aquello que nosotros insistimos en llamar esperanza. Cuando una persona construye una posibilidad está creando esperanza, no solo para él sino para el resto de la sociedad que no ve ni la luz ni la fuerza que poseen en su interior.

When we create possibilities we are building the world that we crave in the most intimate part of our being, we are showing our vision of reality, the dreams ignored, the opinion of a small voice that, brave, decides to be something more than flesh and blood, actions and desires: decide to be a new reality.

Cuando creamos posibilidades estamos construyendo el mundo que anhelamos en lo más íntimo de nuestro ser, estamos mostrando nuestra visión de la realidad, los sueños ignorados, la opinión de una pequeña voz que valiente decide ser algo más que carne y hueso, acciones y deseos: decide ser una nueva realidad.


On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite
In a silent accord
Using words you will find are strange
And mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night


The future will be built of many 'new realities', at least that is what I believe. In fact, our present is sustained in it: abrupt and moderate changes, old ideas reconstructed, visionary projects born of dreams and possibilities, and all this can be developed using Steemit, because, for me, that is what it represents. The nest of a new reality for the future.

El futuro, según reflexiono, estará construido de muchas ‘nuevas realidades’, de hecho, nuestro presente está sostenido en ello. Cambios bruscos y no tanto, ideas viejas reconstruidas, proyectos visionarios, nacidos de los sueños y las posibilidades. Eso es Steemit para mí: el nido de una nueva realidad para el futuro.

A future where individuals are able to meet everywhere regardless of language or country barriers. A future where responsibility is conceived in a shared way, where the simple fact of belonging to this community contributes to people finding many perceptions of reality and, also, understand that none is nor will be entirely correct. In short, a future that allows each individual to be the force and the light that he is called to be. That is Steemit, the structure of possibilities, the nest from which the new realities will be born.

Un futuro en donde los individuos sean capaces de encontrarse en todas partes sin importar las barreras del idioma o el país. Un futuro en donde se conciba la responsabilidad de forma compartida, en donde el simple hecho de pertenecer a esta comunidad contribuya a que las personas encuentren muchas percepciones de la realidad y, también, entiendan que ninguna es ni será enteramente correcta. En suma, un futuro que permita a cada individuo ser la fuerza y la luz que está llamado a ser. Steemit es la estructura de las posibilidades, nido del cual nacerán las nuevas realidades.

My journey through Steemit has been rather brief. It is almost been two months since I arrived in this community, but as I move forward there is an almost tangible fact that excites me and terrifies me in equal parts. The fact is that this platform has been the bridge to find possibilities [hope] of changes in my life and my future. Every time I turn to see the private world of people (transformed in public through a blog) I find a different destiny, a life that wants to change, a cry that asks for attention because it pursues a dream, and I am very happy to know that in this space brings together as many people with dreams, but it also terrifies me (in the best sense) that Steemit has the ability to contribute to directly changing people's lives. Steemit is a platform that provides support so that the anonymous and shadowed voices become brave screams, but, more than him, they are its users.

Mi trayecto por Steemit ha sido más bien breve. Estoy a poco de cumplir dos meses en esta comunidad, pero conforme avanzo se hace más tangible un hecho que siempre arranca emoción, alegría y por qué no decirlo, un poco de miedo y ansiedad. El hecho es que esta plataforma ha sido el puente para encontrar posibilidades [esperanza] de cambios en mi vida y mi futuro. Cada vez que volteo a ver el mundo privado de las personas (transformado en público por medio de un blog) encuentro un destino diferente, una vida que desea cambiar, un grito que pide atención porque persigue un sueño. Steemit es una plataforma que brinda apoyo a las voces anónimas y ensombrecidas, pero, más que Steemit, son sus usuarios.


I dare to say that this platform is a great city, has different citizens, different visions of the direction the metropolis should take, and a lot of views on reality. However, without the community, this could not exist. When you work, understanding each other as different beings, gathered in the same boat and with real dreams, something in all of us changes and impels us to support those many worlds that are born before our eyes. Something very profound about us is modified, our personality appears and, from that moment, we are beings capable of contributing to a cause and a project that is bigger than us, an objective whose extension encompasses us and allows us to take firm steps for the construction of new realities. That is Steemit.

Me atrevo a decir que esta plataforma es una gran ciudad, posee diferentes ciudadanos, diferentes visiones del rumbo que debería tomar la metrópolis, y una gran cantidad de puntos de vista sobre la realidad; sin embargo, sin la comunidad esto no podría existir. Cuando se trabaja entendiéndonos todos como seres diferentes, congregados en la misma barca y con sueños reales, algo en todos nosotros cambia y nos impulsa a apoyar esos tantos mundos que nacen ante nuestros ojos, algo muy profundo de nosotros se modifica, nuestra personalidad aparece y, desde ese momento, somos seres capaces de contribuir en una causa y un proyecto que es más grande que nosotros, un objetivo cuya extensión nos engloba y nos permite dar pasos firmes por la construcción de nuevas realidades. Eso es Steemit.

I do not want to miss the opportunity to thank, from the bottom of my heart to the people who have bet for me in all this time. I have no words to thank so I can only tell you that you are the true bridges for each citizen of this metropolis to turn his little dreams into a reality. Thanks for helping build the future. @drakos, @Isaria, @freedomexists, @swelker101, @reveur, [öbrigado] eternally grateful to all of you.

@nnnarvaez I thank you very much not only this contest, but the effort you have put into this platform. I have had the opportunity to listen to you not only in Reveur but in different communities and it seems to me that your philosophy and perception of reality and the future are incredible. Thank you for all the work and, especially, the time you have spent in supporting the different citizens of Steemit.


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I cannot agree more the connection we are all making and the hope that these new connections bring much light and hope for me as well. I am only on for about a month now. So I wish us both the best of luck . I have upvoted and resteemed this as well as followed you. Please feel free to look at my stuff. would love any in site on ways I can grow and do better. Thank you for your time and your most inspiring thoughts

The future will be built of many 'new realities', at least that is what I believe. In fact, our present is still in it: abrupt and moderate changes, old ideas reconstructed, visionary projects born of dreams and possibilities, and all this can be developed using Steemit, because, for me, that is what it represents. The nest of a new reality for the future.

Thank you very much for your comment, I am excited to continue meeting with people who build this platform of possibilities. Sure I will go to your blog. Thank you for reading!

it was well done and thank you for looking at mine

This post has received a 0.39 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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