La Salud y las cosas Materiales

Buenas Noches; les traigo ésta noche un escrito que realicé en virtud de que tengo amigos que son bastante presumidos por lo que tienen y cada día mas viven enfermos

Éste escrito decidí en su momento titular La Salud y las cosas Materiales

Quizás surgir y tener éxito en la vida te ha costado; y pueda que entres en depresiones al ver que tu amigo, vecino, colega o enemigo le vaya mejor que a ti.

Es allí donde te haces la pregunta del por qué a él y a mí no… yo merezco eso que tiene; esa persona tan mal intencionada que es; tan falso, usurero; y eres capaz de soltar un sinfín de palabras grotescas a fin de desahogar tu inconformidad.
Existe un premio consuelo, no es que ¡mañana obtendrás todo eso! pues !no¡, debes ver que tanta salud tiene esa persona al cual le deseas sus bienes; si observas detalladamente, te darás cuenta que esa persona no vive tranquila, “Aunque así lo parezca” no cuenta con salud para poder disfrutar de todos esas riquezas que día a día ves que adquiere. No tiene armonía ni paz en su corazón para vivir; es un ser que tiene cada día más, pero tiene cada día menos; es decir más riquezas y poca salud.
Entonces te pregunto; y espero me comentes, prefieres ¿tener riqueza y poca salud? O prefieres ¿seguir pobre pero con mucha salud por delante?
Existen personas con muchas riquezas pero viven como pobres; es decir con una humildad en su corazón, comparten lo que tienen y todos lo quieren.
Y otras que tienen mucho y un corazón engreído, y los definen como jodidos; si escrudiñas la vida de esos; te das cuenta que originalmente fueron pobres que renegaban vivir sin riquezas y ahora viven alejados, apartados solitarios y enfermos.
El mundo es un mundo inconforme; a veces creemos que tener nos hará felices; pero realmente no lo es; en la simplicidad de las cosas está la verdadera felicidad, en una palabra sincera; en un abrazo; busca que te hace feliz y repítelo a diario: no pienses que Dios te castiga al vivir en la pobreza; nada pasa por casualidad
Tú eliges; vivir como pobre o vivir como rico; pero siempre será tu elección; si compras un Townhouse a la orilla de la Playa, o un auto nuevo siempre ten en cuenta que cada uno de ellos suma a tus bienes, pero no a tu felicidad.

El que mucho presume tiene poco…. Poca salud

Good Nights; I they bring this one in the night a writing that I realized by virtue of that I have friends who are presumed enough for what they have and every day mas live sick Written this one I decided about his moment to title The Health and the Material things Probably to arise and to be successful in the life has cost you; and it could that you enter depressions on having seen that your friend, neighbor, colleague or enemy him goes better than to you. It is there where you do the question to yourself of why to him and to me not … I deserve it that has; this person so badly meaningful that is; so false, usurer; and you are capable of giving up an endless number of grotesque words in order to vent your dissent. A prize exists I console, it are not that tomorrow you will obtain all that! So! Not ¡, you must see that so much health has this person which you wish his goods; if you observe detailed, you will realize that this person does not live calm, " Though this way it it seems " it does not possess health to be able to enjoy all these wealths that day after day you see that he acquires. It has neither harmony nor peace in his heart to live; he is a being who has every day more, but it has every day less; it is to say more wealths and little health. Then I ask you; and I wait comment on me, you prefer to have wealth and little health? Or you prefer to be still poor but with a lot of health ahead? Persons exist with many wealths but they live as poor; it is to say with a humility in his heart, they share what they have and them them all want it. And others that have very much and a conceited heart, and they define them as awkward; if escrudiñas the life of this; you realize that originally they were poor that were renouncing to live without wealths and now they live remote, solitary and sick paragraphs. The world is a nonconformist world; sometimes we think that to have will make us happy; but really it it is not; in the simplicity of the things the real happiness is, in a sincere word; in an embrace; search that makes you happy and repeat it daily: do not think that God punishes you on having lived in the poverty; nothing happens accidentally You choose; to live as poor person or to live like rich; but always it will be your choice; if you buy a Townhouse to the shore of the Beach, or a new car always bear in mind that each of them adds up to your goods, but not to your happiness. The one that much presumes has little …. Little health


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