A message to spam bot @jillstein2016
I have enough accounts and Steem Power to downvote every single one of your posts many times over so they are never seen, and I plan to do so.
This applies to the rest of you spamming comments as well. If anyone notices any other bots, please post a comment in this thread, I will investigate and handle as needed.
Give up now, you will not win this battle. I promise.
@nextgencrypto - thank you so much. And for the love of all that is potentially holy, please also help nix @bison015 .
Already on it. Another loser in the game of comment botting.
lol She just downvoted my comment.
This is why we need 'weighted voting' on steemit. Then everyone can work together to combat the bots! Humans unite!
Good reasoning.
They are afraid of you now @nextgencrypto :)
She's still hard at work, spamming left and right.
Thank you @nextgencrypto! @jillstein2016 is a cancer.
@nextgencrypto! Stepping in where most cannot - thank you very much for the diligence and dedication...and, you know, what I'm assuming is simple, all-around badassery!
As of today, the account mentioned in the title of this post has a rep of -8, lol.
Thaaannnkk youuuu!!! this has been frustrating me so much
You don't know the power of the Dark Side! Wait. Perhaps you do.