SpaceX Launch Day - GPSIII SV03
After the SpaceX StarLink V1L9 scrubbed on Friday, June 26 they decided to reschedule it after the GPSIII Space Vehicle 03 mission which is scheduled for today, June 30 at 15:55 EDT (UTC -4). Perched atop a Falcon9 that went vertical at 6:17am this morning, the single GPS satellite tested go for launch.
This is the first flight of this Falcon 9 Booster (B-1060.1), which is expected to land on the Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship, Just Read The Instructions.
The satellite is part of the US-operated GPS satellite network. As more satellites are added to the constellation, GPS accuracy and resolution improves.
GPSIII Satellite being loaded into the Falcon 9 fairing.