Incredible Mexico spaceship documentary
Mexico: Contact Point
The most complete report on the increasing UFO wave in Mexico. For the first time a documentary collects the exclusive interviews with the so-called Vigilantes, a team of researchers who started up a project unique in modern ufology. Everything is filmed, documented and recorded.
witness testonimies of some of these have been proven to be real so hahah! zinger baby!
last to look like some of the swatica society breakaway cvilization craft ? course no1 wrong cause quintillions and more other universe with new ones begin created all the time even scientists have admitted soon we probably will be creating our own unvierse soon!? wtf amasing! makes me feel there's already some higher escleon earthlings begining to do this already or have?
as stuff usually always is done b4 its adimitted publicly ...
like there's tech invented b4 our civlization even around our area of space and ive heard our entire universe cameout of another realm so heh pretty cool!