Are you ready for Space Invaders by 2030

Today's Topic: Are you ready for Space Invaders by 2030 - Revelations 20 June 2018.

I previously wrote about why 22.11.2012, our earth shift to a new space time configuration for the next 3,600 years cycle and why everything now speeds up double, triple times.

I previously wrote about at least 4 main ETs or Aliens are already on earth and some not very friendly.

These comes to today's topic - Space Invaders before 2030.

Our earth is currently dominated by those ancient royal bloodlines, whom meddled with all sorts of mammal and mated with their creations, resulting in the sad state of modern day humans, whom also adopted their Pyramid system of Kings and Slaves governance.

This system has started to breakdown since 2012 as more are awaken to their real universal creator of love and kindness, compared to genetically modified DNA creations and falsehood believes of their gods and masters.

As Putin, Russian's President put an end to the killing machines in the middle east of massive innocence deaths, as some holy books claimed that this land belongs to them and their gods, and because they are gods chosen people, peace gradually are no returned to those people whom land are theirs.

Similarly, Trump, and unexpected winner in the 2015 Presidential elections, begins cleaning up of America excesses and put into rightful places those powerful murderers whom wants world wars and more wars for their own selfish greed and power.

As the next world power enters the new world arena, it is great to have another Great leader to lead China, Xi, cleaning up massive corruptions within.

It is NOT coincidence that 3 Great Leaders are now in Power, to take earth into the next Space Edge, quickly and soon.

Nothing happens by chance, universe or some call it Karma has it's hidden powerful ways to make things right.

For, earth humans would have joined their cousins and nieces in space since the 18th century, travelling the universes in space craft than being still on earth in heavy pollution vehicles, controlled by those in the oil and gas industries.

Be Prepared for Space Invaders before 2030, because those evils and dark forces now in charge will never give up their pyramid master vs slaves system without a good fight coming.

Seriously, I am not talking about a popular arcade games played and enjoyed by many, before powerful high end graphics make their appearance.

We already have Space Crafts capable of space travels since the 1980s.

In fact, there are already 50,000 earth born humans on Mars and another 200,000 born there.

Do you know our Moon is also populated up to 250 million inhabitants? Many are not necessary earth humans living beneath there.

Coffee next anyone !!

Thank you.

David Lim. Revelations. 20 June 2018.

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