I as a person have allways said we will be living in a bubble!!!
Look at our eco cars to our tvs to our phones everything is being done for us. I believe the first robot in our board room will be a woman.
According to anaylis lab a 6% gain in NET profit based on 30% women in leadership. So in standsrd woman are our money makers.
Companies request a higher net profit of 40 to %80 percent net profit
Eco cars run off electricity.
Humans are starting to live in space starting to build communitys.
With these few thoughts in mind robots , living in space. Our cars looking like space bubbles. Our tiny bubble holmes that protect from hurricanes.
Our lives are drastically changing. I personally think the world we are livinh in is chanhing to fast and its weird mot the way life was intented.
Yess its cheaper livinh and sometimes safer these houses
The cars are small compact deadly if crashed and is cheaper to drive.
Theres is so many pros and cons.
But yes one day evetything eill be totally spaceage environment.