Makerspaces and Hackerspaces

in #space7 years ago

During the mid-19803, spaces began to emerge across Europe where computer hackers could convc for mutual support and camaraderie. In the past few years, the idea of fostering such shared, physical spaceshas been rapidly adapted by the diverse and
community of “makers”, who seek to apply the idea “backing” to physical objects, processes, or anything else that can be deciphered and improved upon. A hackerspace is described by hackerspacesorg a 0 a “community-operated physical space where people with common interests, often in computers, technolog science, digital art or electronic art, can meet, socializr and/or collaborate.” Such spaces can vary in size, available technology, and membership structure (some i being completely open), but generally share communit) oriented characteristics. Indeed, while the term “hacker can sometimes have negative connotations, modern hackerspaces thrive off of community, openness, and assimilating diverse viewpoints -these often being the 7 only guiding principles in otherwise informal organizational structures. In recent years, the city of Detroit has emerged as a hotbed for hackerspaces and other DIY (“Do-It-Yourself”) experiments. Several hackerspaces 5 can already be found throughout the city and several more are currently in formation. Of course, Detroit’s attractiveness for such projects can be partially attributed to cheap real estate, which allows aspiring hackers to acquire ample space for experimentation. Some observers have also described this kind of making and tinkering as embedded in the DNA of Detroit’s residents, who are able to harness substantial intergenerational knowledge and attract like-minded individuals. Hackerspaces (or “makerspaces”) can be found in more commercial forms, but the vast majority of spaces re self-organized and not~for~profit. For example, the )mniCorp hackerspace operates off member fees to over rent and new equipment, from laser cutters to 'elding tools. OmniCorp also hosts an “open hack night” Iery Thursday in which the space is open to the general lblic. Potential members are required to attend at least to open hack night prior to a consensus vote by the isting members for admittance; no prospective Embers have yet been denied. A Visit to one of OmniCorp’s open hack nights reveals vast variety of activity and energy existing in the ce. In the main common room alone, activities range 11 experimenting with sound installations and learning Irogram Arduino boards to building speculative “oloid" shaoes. all just for the sake of it.

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