Why We Need To Colonize Other Planets

in #space7 years ago


There is something very alluring about space. Maybe it’s the unfathomable vastness of it coupled with our inherent curiosity and our nature as explorers that keeps pushing us to leave the comfort of home and out into the unknown.

Or maybe its because of our hard wired survival instinct that makes us want to establish a second home or even a third and expand our presence as a species into the cosmos. Whatever it is, humanity has always been attracted to the idea of venturing out into space.

Our space journey, and by that I mean manned missions, began with the moon landings and it was a really exciting period as it was the first time we were going where we had never gone before. But as we all know, that excitement died off as that was the end of it, as far as exploring heavenly bodies went.

Recently however, there has been a renewed and concentrated effort towards going beyond the Moon and towards Mars for not only exploring it but to actually try and colonize it. I have written about it quite a few times and I always get asked the same thing….why?

Why? Really??


Let me be honest with you. This question about why we need to do it really infuriates me. People generally say something like, “We have enough problems here on Earth. The resources and time could be better spent solving problems here.”

I am glad that the visionaries that are pushing the boundaries of humanity don’t have this type of mentality that we can only solve one set of problems at a time. It would have been a totally different world if they did.

Yes, the point that they make is valid. We do have a lot of serious issues that we need to address as soon as possible or it could spell the end of humanity. But there is absolutely no reason why it has to be an either/or situation.

We have enough of us (7.5 billion people is quite enough), and also we have enough resources that we can take care of the problems here on Earth as well as venture out and colonize other planets, because that’s what we do. We are an explorer race. The world we have created today is the result of tireless exploration, and even if that doesn’t satisfy the naysayers, let me give you more reasons why.

Why We Need To Do It


Right now humanity has all its eggs in one basket, and that basket is planet Earth. There are so many existential threats facing us that there is a high chance we could face a doomsday like event not too far into the future.

There are risks of nuclear war or an asteroid could strike Earth and wipe us out (we miss many asteroids all the time that narrowly miss our planet). Then there are problems like global warming and climate change that could spiral into something huge and cause mass extinction.

So, if we can ensure our survival by colonizing another planet, shouldn’t we do it? And that too, as fast as we possibly can? Of course we should!

On the other hand, and this is really important, the task of establishing a permanent human presence on Mars or any other planet for that matter, requires us to solve a great deal of issues like ensuring food, water, air, coming up with highly efficient energy generation and storage technologies, protection from radiation, terraforming the planet to suit our needs, sustainable use of resources, and so much more.

Necessity is the mother of innovation and all those problems will be necessary to be solved before we can actually colonize an entire planet. Don’t you think that the solutions to those problems would be applicable to Earth too? By increasing our know-how, we can literally tackle the problems here on Earth.

So, no! It’s not a waste of time or resources but a natural next step in our story as humans and by taking that step not only would be fulfilling our destiny and ensuring our survival, we would also be indirectly (or directly) finding solutions to problems on Earth too!


Although I see the point of the "all eggs in one basket" argument, it is not the most important one to me.

Peering back at our history, it is obvious that our ancestors could have used the same "logic"to choose not to progress and explore. Why spend so much money and resources on large fleets of ships to then risk lives entering the dangerous oceans when we have enough problems at home? Why cross the rapid river when we're already safe and comfortable on the other side? Why leave the cave when it is all nice and comy inside?

You choose whatever point you like and the answer will always be the same: We would have missed out on the discoveries that taught us how to better master the world in which we live. Why should it be different today?

The "eggs in one basket" is only one among many and I used that one to just cover reason I thought could help people to understand the importance of expansion into space. Nothing makes people understand teh gravity of a situation better than the threat of extinction ;) hehe

Also, I completely agree with the questions your have posed. As a race, we never really "needed" to do anything. We could have just lived like our ancestors in the stone age and just kept living normal lives, doing things like hunting, gathering, reproducing. But that's not who we are. We are an explorer species and it is in our nature to head into the unknown.

I am glad people like you exist on the planet and understand the reason to the question "why". The world would have been totally different otherwise. Cheers man!! :) :)

Maybe we think to colonize to other planets once our earth is run out of resources. nice post @sauravrungta

We can start right now. If we wait till resources are over, it will be too late.

We should explore space but at the same time i am a believer that we donot understand some science behind universe.The laws probably are different which once solved will provide a means to travel may be faster than light? May be time travel possible?

Oh yeah, those problems are on a different league of their own and will require decades of research. In the meantime, we should start the process and take advantage of such technologies when they are ready.


haha, we will all come to know.

I have always been reluctant to support humanity's curiosity regarding space travel and the colonising of other planets. This has probably been based on fear rather than rational thought. Your argument has made me question my poorly-thoughout original views. However I think that it is vital for humans to think wisely about our societal structures, since applying them to another planet of 'second chance' is only going to be followed by the same global issues which we face today. I sincerely hope that these can be shifted in the future, but until then, I do not think that it would be just to replicate what I consider to be a critical situation. If we were to use a second planet for resources, I think that it cannot come from a place of competition, like it has so often been the case in the past (e.g. the scramble for Africa). I'm somewhat sceptical about whether we are able to achieve this.

I totally agree with you that any new civilization that we will start on a new planet will have to be thought through very thoroughly. The same societal structure that we have simply won't work there. The concept od divisions is so old. The new age demands collaboration.

Planets are over rated.
Your point about the dangers of having all of our eggs in one basket is a good one. But why would we even WANT baskets? Why not decentralize, distribute widely and acquire massive redundancy?

You also mentions asteroids that almost hit earth frequently....

So...if given a lemon (Near Earth Objects)...make lemonade



We've been to the moon using 1950's technology. Today the tech is a little bit more advanced. Is it a stretch to think that we could catch a passing asteroid, hollow it out, put a spin on it (for gravity) insert an eco-system and live inside?

Kind of a like a cruise ship in space?

Why put our eggs on yet another planet..or two...

Why not have an armada of habitats?

Yeah, totally agree with you. But I think the process will be gradual. Start with a planet first and at the same time make plans for asteroids and stuff. I haven't read about any technology that will allow us to hollow out an asteroid, spin it and create a habitable environment there but if there is one thing that history has shown, technological advancements have always made the impossible possible, so, maybe one day.

No we do not need to colonize other planets! The whole world population can fit into Canada and still have room left. If we embrace regenerative ecosystems than there will be no deserts. You can turn every desert into a paradise with Permaculture. Don't be silly

Hi @havok777. That is so true. No colonization needed. We can produce the same calorical value of ALL agriculture on the planet today on only 6% of the same are of land, using intense fully organic and extremely nutrient dense permaculture food production. It is only our current food production system thats completely out of balance. KAPUTT.. We can make this blue marble a beautiful place, we just have to shift into the right direction. There is enough space, land and food for everyone on this planet to have an abundant life!

It's not about lack of space for us humans here on Earth. Read the post.

Very interesting post... Go to @maleudi upvote follow

I completely agree.
Art, music, and humanity in general is too valuable to be wiped out by an asteroid of some piece of space garbage...

It's actually a very interesting topic, which I think might be reality sooner than we think! My boyfriend often asks me if I would move to a different planet with him if we got the opportunity. I still haven't found my answer, but I do see that there would be a point in doing it. It would, however, be the biggest and craziest decision of my life!

Yeah, it would be the biggest decision of anybody's life. Even changing cities is a huge deal, so you can imagine what changing planets will be like. But I think it could be worthwhile if we are able to create a civilization that is built on love and collaboration instead of hatred and divisions.

That would be amazing! I'm wondering if that would be possible though since (I could imagine) that a lot of the greedy and powerful people in this world would like to join...

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