Traveling To Another Universe With The Aid Of Singularity.

in #space5 years ago (edited)


In This article when I talk of Singularity I mean Digital Singularity not black hole, infinite gravity singularity. 

According to Dr. Michio Kaku if we create a big machine that collects all the energy of the Sun, and is spread throughout the Solar System. It's size would be, as you can imagine, quite extra-planetary. (If that's even a word lol)  Its orbit will se as far as the Astroid Belt.  And the entire structure will be connect, like a Dyson Sphere. And obviously will only be made by using the matirals of the Planets. 

If and when that is done you have to concentrate the power on a singular point and, you can, in theory, send a particle in another universe.  

Note: We, as of now,  know not if other universes exist, although there is a high probability of it. And it is well accepted by all scientists.  In a way it's a bet. But What if,  we become a species which does not rely on physical bodies, but only lives in digital world(s) created by us.  In that possible (I'm not quite a fan of that future perosonally) future we as an digital species are nothing more than information. 

Because digital software is, indeed, nothing more than information.  Therefore it is possible, by particles by particles we,in a way create copy or cut and paste a Space Craft, or just a Camera or maybe even somehow sending "human being" to another universe.  (I say it with quotes, because, well I am biased. I do not want to believe we are,  I am nothing more than information.) 

If you do not know information is transferred in digitla form through bits,  1s and 0s that make up the computer.  In a way sub-atomic particles are bits. In a way information.  It might be possible. And if you are also not familiar withthe theory of Singularity. Digital or Informational Singularity. Not Black hole singularity.  It basically the transfer or copy of human consciousness into a computer.  

But as of right now we do not even know what consciousness is.  What it means? We do not know. As of right we can just assume it is information. Because there is some truth to that. We do have information in form of memories.  Dah we do one day copy a human's memories into a computer, who decides it is alive? What even is alive?  We do not what life is. Apart from life on Earth. Will we even recognize life on an alien planet? Will we even call it life? And there has been strange, strange theoreis regarding how life can, might have, or will evolve (if it has not) on an alien planet or moon.  We might, ourselves become a planet of Fog. 

What I mean that is,  it has been suggested that in the future (which is not that far, years not decades) we will have Molecular Nanotechnology, so advence that we will have miniature factories in our houses that will great things out of nothing.  In way it is true. 

Because these nanobots will create things molecule by molecule. Atom by atom.  If possible we can create a car whivh when in an accident the nanobots in the car will create a thick Fog like thing whicb will save the passengers.  Now in the days of AI and self-drive cars. This idea, to me,  it seems not likely. However as propossed by John Micheal Godier. On his YouTube Channel. 

If, reach Singularity, we might prefer to live in world that is digital rather than physical world(s) (which is an answer to the Farmi Paradox), reasoning being it is more pleasant, and lets face who doesn't wanna play God. We have been trying to do it for a long time.  

It also promises, a rather Godly trait, immortality.  

So we might become in an physical sense introverted.  

So we can use Nanotech to perhaps build some kind of being that we send to the other universe(s).  

 I know there is too much I went through in this article. I hope I explained it as thoroughly as I could. 

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