The Secret Sign of "Ultima Thule" and Why It is so IMPORTANT

in #space6 years ago (edited)

Something AMAZING Has Happened!


Perhaps NOT a stargate, but something on and connect the dots.

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Ultima Thule ("furthermost Thule" in Latin) is an unofficial nickname of the object named after the medieval metaphor of a cold distant place on the farthest north (which is currently believed to be a distorted description of Greenland or Svalbard).


This will be the most distant fly-by of any object in the Solar System to date at a distance of 42 AU from the Sun. In comparison, famous 'Pale Blue Dot' was a final photograph of the Voyager-1 spacecraft taken from 40 AU.

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Ultima Thule is the snappier title given to a space rock called (486958) 2014 MU69
Was it really just only a close flyby on January 1, 2019, or is the name Ultima Thule a long-awaited SIGNAL?

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When such heavenly bodies are named or nicknamed there is a great purpose and who may notice and do not take note determines who might be among the enlightened seekers. Some names are simply meant to be A SIGN or MARKER of what is soon coming.


Oh yes, there is much more to this name.

Alchemists Secrets of " Thule Society." Pay Attention Closely for the Connections
Excerpts from

…About 450,000 years ago, a group of spacefaring humanoid extraterrestrials arrived at planet Earth. They came from a planet about three times the size of Earth, which the Sumerians called Nibiru [or the ‘12th planet’ that returns every 3600 years. They are known as the Anunnaki.



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A little background to make a series of connections

The German Thule and Vril societies are excellent examples of this—spin-off groups from the original Rosicrucians. In addition, these societies, the Thule group in particular, discovered the whereabouts of polar tunnel openings or ‘bottomless pits’—Vimana gateways, if-you-will, to the subterranean world. Is this starting to sound familiar?

…The Nazis [composed mostly of Thule members] believed the “Aryans” were descendants of…[Giant god-like] supermen who had ruled the planet from [Ultima] Thule, the ancient tale of this northern super-race. It can be concluded that the “supermen” the Nazis believed were…none other than the Anunnaki that [Zecharia] Sitchin had outlined in his work…”


…After years of dedicated translation and study, Sitchin realized that the biblical Nefilim and the Sumerian Anunnaki [also] represented the same concept—that in the Earth’s most distant past, beings [originally] came down from the stars and founded the earliest civilizations, a theme which has run through nearly all secret societies, from Freemasonry to the Thule Society…”

However, The Nefilim are similar in height, but not the same as the Anunnaki by any measure, so please keep this in mind. The Nephilim, the Fallen Angels, and the Anunnaki are different, but they are all part of the same story from centuries ago all playing different roles. Often this is misunderstood and therefore information becomes convoluted.

According to the subterranean legend of Shambhala, Tibetan lamas say Giant inner-earth inhabitants (Anunnaki/Aryans) initially resided in the Boreal region of the Earth and were the last remaining deluge survivors of the ‘White Island’ better known as Hyperborea-Thule. Quoting from Jean-Claude Frere’s Nazime et societies secretes (1974) esoteric researcher Joscelyn Goodwin provides the following:


The Hyperborean folk’s Land. Hyperboreans… The Folk of Sun … People of Light.
THULE (Hyperborea) was a great empire created and inhabited by a NORDIC type of people only. The first empire living on this earth by several theories and legends. Someone did name them like the “Divine Race” because their soul-level was very close to God’s wisdom and their brain was very much evolved. Their soul and mind have not very much in common with today’s Nordic men… (…also if we didn’t have to forget what they are their “grandkids”). By some theories, They were coming from a planet gravitating around Aldebaran star. Taurus constellation.


From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth ©1993)

“After the cataclysm that made [the White Island or] Hyperborea uninhabitable, perhaps…the inhabitants migrated to the region now covered by the Gobi Desert and there founded a new seat: Agartha. [See Part One—GJ] People flocked from all directions to this “center of the world,” which enjoyed 2000 years of brilliant civilization. Then another catastrophe occurred, its cause unknown: the surface of the region was devastated, but Agartha survived underground. Thither the great initiates traveled—Frere mentions Pythagoras [and] Apollonius of Tyana…to receive orders from the Masters of the World. The Aryan people migrated possibly underground in two directions: one went north and west, hoping to return to their Hyperborean homeland referred to as Ultima Thule and to conquer their lost territories. A second group went south, to the Himalayas, and there founded another secret center in underground caverns referred to as Shambhala…” Page 80.

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“…The passage in which he explains [from a Christian point of view] the changes of the earth deserve to be read in full:

“The 11,500 years of which you speak are the result of a calculation on the Brahminical astronomical cycles. And, after the cycle concerned, maritime Europe, AS OUR GEOGRAPHERS KNOW IT, will have the same fate as [Ultima Thule and] Atlantis about a dozen centuries from now. The law of this cycle is inherent in the fact of a FOURTH TERRESTRIAL MOVEMENT, AS YET UNKNOWN TO SCIENTISTS. The fact, and its law, are the consequence of a spiritual Principal of beneficence and general order, violated from age to age by the perversity of the dominant races. This principle, divine in its nature, tends to maintain or restore the Earth to equilibrium, i.e. with its axis coinciding with that of the heavens, and hence in the planet’s normal biological state.

Stories of Hollow Earth

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"Now, the deviation in the human substance brought about that of the entire planetary substance—of the whole planet: the rapid mobilization of the magnetic meridian in little cycles, ending with a cycle of eighteen years; the inclination of the Poles (third large-scale movement); and finally the POLAR SUBVERSION AND RECENSION, SENDING CAIN TO THE LAND OF NOD, precipitating the summit from its zenith to its nadir; in a word, BURYING BENEATH THE SEAS THE IMPIOUS RACE AND ITS CONTINENT. Keep to yourself, dear Sir, these redoubtable secrets of the ancient university of the Patriarchal Church, A TERRIBLE SECRET among many others, also known to the Prophets and disciples of Our Lord Yeshua Christ. More than ever, the truth must be kept from the profane; not only for love of the truth, but also out of charity towards those who would desecrate it.” Page 213.

This amazing passage by Saint-Yves gives tantalizing clues of a subterranean “impious race” (See Part One) that was buried due to a cataclysmic pole shift. A secret even Yeshua Christ himself knew about. Throughout my papers, I’ve argued the only way a pole shift can occur is from the passing of a near-by planetary body such as Nibiru. The first century Roman Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca also hinted of a pole shift: See below:

“A time will come in later years when the Ocean will unloose the bands of things, when the immeasurable Earth will lie open, when seafarers will discover new countries, and [Ultima] ‘Thule’ will no longer be the extreme point among the lands.” – Quote from Seneca’s “Medea”


Some of you are aware of a Heavenly Secret of one of the Heavens also known as the " White Island" in the Black Sea, called Elysium. The black sea is a reference to the celestial realm we call space. This is where the throne of our Lord is now placed and earth would be it's footstool.

Hollywood gave you glimpses of the truth


And here the reality has been sighted in space prior to it's coming into earth's atmosphere. Check the 7 18 min onward mark

Exhibit 22) Dusty Sklar (Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult ©1977)
“…[Baron Rudolf von] Sebottendorff [Grand Master of the Thule lodge and founder back in 1918] had a love-hate relationship with …Freemasons. They were the prototype for most secret organizations. “The old Freemasonry,” he said, “had been a keeper of secrets which they had learned from the Aryan[/Anunnaki] wisdom and from the alchemists...

The quote above suggests the Thule Society quite possibly could have acquired ancient manuscripts from a rich legacy of Alchemists, exactly how many manuscripts unearthed is anyone’s guess. The Thule Society obtained their name (pronounced Toolay) from a mythological landmass named ‘Hyperborea’ that existed beyond the North Pole.

According to Thulists, Ultima-Thule was the home of the Hyperborean/Aryan race and it was Rudolf von Sebottendorff who was responsible for initiating this esoteric belief into the heartland of Germany.

From the outset, Thulists were very interested in Iceland an explored it extensively. Why? Well, according to Pytheas, the famous Greek navigator from the 4th century BC, Thule was a six-day sea voyage north of Britain, so the Germans deduced Iceland had to be the location of modern-day ‘Thule.’ However, what I find most intriguing is the fact that they believed in the existence of another ‘twin’ island landmass similar to Iceland located on the opposite side of Greenland ‘beyond the north-pole.’ Think about this. Twin islands.

Thule Maps



The map shown above illustrates Lamprecht’s statement of how Crocker Land (circled lower-right) and Keenan Land (circled upper-left) were probably magnified ‘mirages’ of the same island landmass situated much further up in the high arctic.

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Is this “unknown Island” a remnant landmass of mythical Ultima Thule for which the German Thule society was actively seeking? I say yes. By now you are probably asking what does this ‘Island Paradise’ have to do with UFOs? Well to answer this one has to go far back into the remote past. Greek mythology tells us that the god Apollo (little g) was a Hyperborean and according to mythological scholars Pythagoras was taught by Apollo himself. In turn Pythagoras taught his students the principles of sacred geometry within ancient mystery schools, knowledge the Rosicrucians eventually acquired themselves.

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“Commander Green's own…drawing, showing a cross section of the…arctic [island] - an undulating, fertile plateau, steam heated by hot springs, geysers and boiling pools and rimmed by a volcanic range of mountains. Behind this barrier rises a veil of vapor

So as you can see from the above reference, flying vehicles were connected with the northern Hyperborean homeland of Ultima Thule.

A location, I argue, is situated toward the pole on the Canadian arctic side far north of Point Barrow Alaska. This island—shrouded in ‘perpetual fog’ according to Commander Green—is not recorded on any modern arctic chart therefore I cannot discount the possibility that mapmakers (belonging to secret societies) would purposely omit this geographical region known to have UFO activity. Outlandish you say? Well, one only has to look on a Nevada map just north of Las Vegas to a secret location dubbed AREA 51. Others call it S4. You will not find it on any map either for there is a rumored top-secret ‘flying-disc’ program in an underground facility there as well. Yet satellite imagery reveals a facility does indeed exist there.

Some believe the Thule society sent Nazi expeditions to remote parts of the Earth in search of entrances to the inner-world. Ultima Thule (Point 103) in the Canadian Arctic, just mentioned, and Bunger’s Oasis (Base 211) in the Antarctic. Access to these hidden sites would give vital information about the Aryan/Anunnaki race still resident inside the Earth. The Thule society claimed to be in constant communication with an advanced human-like race with Nordic blonde-haired blue-eyed features now inhabiting the subterranean realm, accessible from the polar-regions.

Based on the Popular Science 1923 magazine article, I suggest the lost Norwegian colony from Greenland also stumbled across this northern polar opening when they found their polar paradise (Ultima Thule). In doing so, they must have extensively explored the vertical tunnel opening eventually contacting inner-earth terrestrials akin to the Nazi expedition endeavors. I cannot discount this possibility, especially when Commander Green himself suggested that the Greenland ‘Lost Colony’ was now more advanced than our own culture. Did he have inside information for stating this? If the case, I argue the Nazis probably encountered descendants of the Norwegian lost colony that assimilated into inner-earth society long ago. The Norwegians (Nordic Blondes) now work for the Anunnakian descendants by operating and flying some of their flying discs. An ancient technology the Nazis desired and desperately wanted themselves for obvious reasons.


There is much literature indicating the northern polar opening is through the Arctic Ocean, however, I suggest the entrance is located near or on the remnant landmass of Ultima Thule itself. (Commander Green’s altered diagram, above, illustrates my point) If so, one can understand why this fog-enshrouded island has been omitted from all geographical maps. It encompasses a vertical tunnel entrance into the subterranean realm, a ‘bottomless pit’ if-you-will and the point of origin for many UFO’s! This alone would no doubt be a ‘national security’ issue for many counties.

According to my research, a top-secret military base now exists at Ultima Thule akin to S4 at Area 51 in Nevada. This came about from clandestine diplomatic relations opening up with the Nordic-blondes. It also appears advanced ‘flying-disc’ information was obtained just prior to World War II as a result of this contact with the subterranean dwellers.

Do you really think that they just ceased?

So was it much like Avalon and not really a" LOST" Island, but more so hidden for only those worthy to see, to find and to inhabit it?


So now you see that the passing, fly by " Ultima Thule" was a SIGNAL to the Enlightened January 2019 that the Throne of the Messiah soon comes! And now you know why!

Excerpts from

In fact, it has just been sighted recently, but we know exactly what it is! Elysium! This is where the throne of God sits. Our Lord's destiny to sit upon the throne. It comes close during the time period that these massive changes, war, and cataclysms take place to safe haven the 144,000 children clean and pure. Could this be Thule's Twin on earth as it is in heaven?

Yes, and New Jerusalem will soon follow.

And this song, not a coincidence! Few are in the know. Now you are in the know.

This explains why the Lord is wanting us to feel his urgency. Elysium only comes close to earth when the Great Day of the Lord is upon mankind.

Here is the prophetic message I received in a dream from the Lord about this time to prepare and he gave us the SIGNS so that we know the time to be ready is NOW.


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Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos or story links.
this time Excerpts from
This is all purely educational and blog
Combine logic, signs, prophecies, and follow these headlines to connect it all
Coincidence such thing!
The Storm Is Here
Are YOU Prepared?
You Know What to Do!
Exodus, Go Baja or Mount Zion area to prepare!
The Time Is NOW


That is a really amazing connection and signal. I actually did not know most of that backstory. It's fascinating but also opens up for more discussion at some point I think. The time of the Lord is here!

Thank you for your video on the last supper. I have been seeking his face for the past 9-10 years. I used to be Catholic and the preacher told us to pray to Jesus this way. Now that I have a true face of Lord Rayel it is much easier to make that connection to pray. I had been also having the feeling of anticipating a knock on my door and had continually asked myself if I would follow him if I heard his knock. Anyway thank you so much, it is nice to know there is a community of people you can talk to about having a personal relationship with Our Savior and Our Father and not be looked at like your crazy. Still have much truth to learn, have been weeding out the lies.

Everyone needs to make these important connections so they don't miss out on all the Lord has to offer.

There's a lot to take in here.

This is a lot of information to take in at once but so very necessary to further our understanding of the truth.

I hope I am one of those worthy of going to Elysium.

Amazing article Cardinal

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