Enjoying the free public beaches before privatization
Just enjoying my free beach access before they are privatized
No money in your steem or on your bitpay card and no access ro malls and beaches... we wont deduct money we just need to see you have money heh, thats the world Philip K dick dreamed up... see they made Philip K Dick reincarnate as me and live out his own crazy sci fi ideas, hah read a scanner darkley people! The movie doesnt do it justice, anyway its a pretty amazing scifi reality we live in, just get those g4 cheat codes
Up down up down left right left right start select start select , thats you make the new robot girls orgasm , careful, many of the really attractive new girls on instagram, they are just robots now :D its a race to find their mk ultra sex kitten keys, they are everywhere, the cat girl programming is all around you, just immerse yourself in the game, the trigger keys are pickup lines hah, hah the best ones are scattered all around you now you must find them and catch them all like pokemon
We will organize all the hottest women on the planet and make people on mars fight each other just to get to skype with the women in our massive quartz crystal palaces built with crystals from deep mexican crystal caves, we will build starcraft on the moon and have robots fight each other on the lunar surface
We will have armies fighting for the attention of women like Firu, commanding 1000 holographic japanese dancer idols all synchronized to her voixe and facial features like the iphonex can do
We will project holograms of original starcraft1 over the moon and project command and conquer red alert over mars and use the entire
Haha some amazing thoughts, if only they could be true... I've missed you from Smg where have you been?
Posted using Partiko Android
@axkza that is good thought.. thanks for sharing
Posted using Partiko Android