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RE: Alert ebay buyers - fake sovereigns
My stack is not for me, but my wife and 2 year old daughter, who I love more than my life, I want my wife and daughter to be protected from all that is coming and will do my best to protect them.
You in the states have an advantage with all the Kennedy dollars and half dollars, I would be coin rolling, even if it took a year to get say 100 or 200 its free silver, there are still millions in circulation, you said you tried before keep it going.
Thank you... also, I should have known that your stacking was for your beloved family. I just know that you are very informed on them. I am proud of you saving such wonderful future holdings for your loved ones. That is what I am talking about.... you are truly a gentleman and your wife found a perfect husband. I am so happy for you, but yes, we have a rough ride coming for the little ones, I am afraid that cannot be avoided. Stacking and prepping is the way to go for to be prepared for times of slack are more than likely at hand in the future. I wish the world wasn't as huge as it is to me where that it always seems that distance keeps people from meeting or getting together. I have never left the states. Always basically lived where I have been. I'm 62 now and on social security and it isn't all that it should be and hopefully will last me out. I get by, have no complaints and try to have a good outlook on things.
I don't have a family the ones that are alive are divided and split with decisive tendencies so I just am happy to be alive. Constantly looking for good people to be friends with.