A few words from some Sovereigns

in #sovereign6 years ago

There's a term out there called Sovereign Citizen. This term makes no sense. A sovereign is in charge of their own person and belongings. A Citizen is a member of a political entity that has rules and laws etc. These two things are inherently at odds. It's not a paradox. It's impossible.

So, what then am I talking about? Lemme give a super brief history. You're a slave and the system currently owns you. The birth certificate, driver's lisence, passport, voter registration, all pull you into the commerical system that the banksters have setup. You think you're working with a de jure government, but the reality is that it's a literal corporation. It has been since at least the civil war. The actual government has nobody in it or working for it and the corporation claims to represent it.

Coming to terms with this

There are two videos I strongly recommend to get you started here.

UNGRIP and What the FUQ?

These two videos can help walk you through trying to figure out what it is we're dealing with. UNGRIP also presents some solutions in terms of how to respond and move away from the violence of the state.

Anna Von Reitz

Ok, so another approach to dealing with this has been put forward by Anna von Reitz. She's a "Judge" in the American government. She's not workign for the corporation. She's working for the de jure government she's trying to reestablish. Her website is annavonreitz.com and has a thousand letters describing the basic challenges to American Sovereignty that we as a nation face.

Here's an example of a letter she's written recently working to shove these corporate genies back into their bottles.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jerraf

Another approach has been lead by HATJ. She's another that's trying to fight this system. They created and dissolved an entity called the One People's Public Trust. This happened around 2012. It basically was the first rebuttle to the Pope claiming to be Vicar of Christ and owning everything on Earth. These actions provided a legal ground for the people to own themselves and claim there is no intermediary between a human and it's creator. It's difficult to confirm that the crazy changes in the world relate back to this released document and the work they have done since, but they are attempting to expose the corruption as well.

They documented a lot fo the wrong doing in what's called the Paradigm Report and since worked on a number of other documents.

Heather is currently fighting a prison sentence. She and one of her buddies were able to withdraw hundreds of millions of dollars from the banking system and then were arrested for having done it. She's patiently trying to deal with the legal system. Farnkly I'm amazed they haven't murdered her, but she seems to be making progress.

Here's a recent approach to fighting them. If it appears weird it's because it is, and will take a lot of unwinding one's brain to see how she's bringing essentially common law to bear on the maratime/administrative/admirality/commercial law practiced by the US corp.

HATJ court doc

Folks looking to assemble and fight this beast may consider the National Assembly

Assembly Website

The general idea is that some of what the pilgrims did to establish a lawful nation worked and was able to separate from the corporate state. They are attempting to reproduce someo f that know and keep their boundaries. As weird as it may appear to be the corporations appear to respect these things when they are presented lawfully. Determining what is lawful tends to be tricky and even then the criminals don't always appear to follow it...

For anyone that thought beating back a multi hundred year old entity that has been robbing us blind to the tune of trillions of dollars would be easy, clean or neat, I'm sorry to disappoint.


Intriguing.. watching the video now. Its a long one. Thanks.

you say this is very very true, may my friends always succeed in always giving a short news

The world is controlled by a group of people. The word sovereign is a word used to cover this deceit.

These group of people decide what goes and where it goes.

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Great article. I have heard the word sovereign citizen a thousand times and never even thought about it. I knew what it meant but it didn't even cross my mind how ridiculous it is to put the words together like that. As far as the bank thing goes, I hope they didn't get the money back. Well. I'm gonna go check out those videos. Thx for the post.

Great post! If the critical mass of the American people only knew that their country has been taken from them; that their founding documents have been over-ridden; and that the courts, legislature, executive, MSM...everything, works for an unelected corporate bureaucracy riding on top of the corpse of The Republic, they would perhaps finally rebel in numbers sufficient to restore our collective birthright as citizens of these several sovereign states.

As long as the internet stays UP and unfettered, we have a chance... though time is running short.

Thanks for the part you are playing, brother, in this monumental struggle to restore The Republic.

Nice post i want to be a good writer like you great topic

Read properly before dropping a comment. Seems you are new to steemit. Don't comment this way on posts, you will get flag.

Any comment should be related to the post.thanks

Thanks for the correction

what's the plan then?

@aggroed i must agree with you here, it would never be easy to beating a multi-million year old entity that has rubbed us.

There will be betrayal, propaganda and what have you.

That is a big stunt pulled by the IMF and will definitely fail in this. Am hearing of sovereign citizen for the first time. There is no way the central government will allow that to happen. Funny thing is, they are supreme but when confronted with law, they become humble.

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