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in #sound-money4 years ago (edited)

Tell me why you should be Stacking Silver, Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Nickel, Copper and Zinc...

Around 16 years ago, someone at work told me that the Money in my Wallet wasn't mine...

I never heard of such a thing, until that day...

The normal thoughts ran through my head...

If it's in my Wallet, why wouldn't it be mine...???

I was told they belong to the Federal Reserve Banking System...

We're allowed to use them, so long as we pay the interest...

Even if we turned them all in, the interest would still be due...

So, how would we pay back the interest if the interest was never printed...???

And if we did give back the Fiat Dollars, we wouldn't be able to pay the interest...

We'd be Flat Broke and Deep in Debt...


Those are the normal things we hear when it comes to Fiat Dollars and how the Debt can never be paid...

We would have to print and print and print, and our Money would be worth less and less and less...

At first, we were told that only the Wealthy had to pay Federal Income Taxes...

Due to inflation, most of us are now considered Wealthy when it comes to paying Federal Income Tax...

I figure the taxes were needed to pay the interest or "Rental Fees" on our "Rental Money"...

That's what our Current Fiat Money really is...

We pay Rental Fees (interest) for the use of their Money, but it's not ours...

It's similar to a Rental Car...

We can Drive and use it as much as we want, but we will pay and pay and pay, until it's returned...

How do we go about, Rounding up all the Rental Money, so we can return it to its Rental Company...???

Federal Reserve Notes are used all over the world, but "WE are the ones who pays the FEES"...

We're even paying Rental Fees on Federal Reserve Notes that have been Destroyed in Fires and Floods...

So, I have to ask...

What do we do...???

Or, tell me why you should Stack Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Nickel, Copper and Zinc...???

Feel free to give me your Answer is a Reply...

September 13, 2020... 17.0 Hollywood Time...



What do we do? End the Fed! Send bernanke, yellen and powell to the international criminal tribunal in the hague for Crimes Against Humanity. Cut all government in half. Exit all fiat. Use real money like au, ag, cu, btc, bch and lbd.

Problem solved.

Actually... If we do nothing, we will not be harmed financially by the U.S. Monetary Reset to Sound Money... It will be nice to bring Precious Metals to the Other Side of the Reset... I like my Metals in the Form of U.S. Coinage... Believe it or not, I'm expecting to see "Paper Coinage"... I figure Paper Cents will replace Paper Dollars... Due to the very high values of U.S. Bullion Coinage, we will need a Circulating Sound Money... I think there's a good Chance for Electronic Sound Money, with the addition of 99 Decimal Cents added to the end of our 99 Electronic Cents... I'm sure, you're already aware of all this... I'm expecting to witness Prosperity coming to all Americans and then to the World...
September 14, 2020... 20.5 Hollywood Time...

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