Your Soul Whispers...Oct 23-25
On Oct 23, 24, and 25, your soul whispers...
Ths weekend brings possibilities for the healing of a block in a relationship, or general stagnation in some area of your life, if you can come to the table for mediation with openness. In order to facilitate a resolution for pressing problems, the doors of communication must open. This weekend you are asked to be willing to be open to making the necessary concessions, to be receptive to resolving a situation, or pressing problem that has taken up far too much of your time, mind, defenses, or energy. Or, perhaps, there is a stalemate or frustration in a relationship with someone. If needed, consider that a neutral party who can step back and see the larger picture, could bring a solution that you have not considered, nor seen. The key is your willingness to say yes to the energy of conciliation, in order to free up some blocked or stale energy in your life, and create the space for movement. The Six of Fire wants to transform stagnant energies by burning away dross, to prepare for the emergence of something new or something improved. You can be willing to be open these next few days. Conceding does not make you weak, nor signal that you are "backing down". Rather, it signals perhaps that you are the bigger, the 'better' person, and that you demonstrate leadership and authority by seeking resolution in order to move forward.