What Other People Think.

in #soul7 years ago (edited)

Through my whole experience living in my car and traveling across 8 provinces twice this past summer and exploring the great views that Canada has to offer. I have noticed this trend in what some peoples reactions were when hearing about this, especially the closest people to us who we call family. Most people I've encountered whether it be in a restaurant or at a job, I tell them this, they are like yeah cool as if I'm just staying it and they ignore the open topic of discussion. And then the conversation just dies. As if it is something that is frowned upon and they don't want to talk about adventure or travel. It is so hard to find people that are into the same things as me. I also noticed when I turn the conversation to them and curiously ask them whats there to do or I compliment their city or town, they tell me all the bad things about it and say things like "why would you come here" as if they are trying to give me an impression that Im in a shit hole place and I am dumb to be travelling there. This is why I don't really open up to new friends I make anymore and I pretend that I'm normal, and living in the same conditions as them. I wonder if people are just afraid of other people being, thinking and living differently and they shy away from new things. That must be so hard to live like that. I am always trying to stretch the envelope, and really take it far: as far as one can go down the rabbit hole on the journey because what would life mean to me without the excitement. With family, there is certain members that are very spiritually closed off no matter what you say to them you will never meet eye to eye. I remember one of my aunts making a comment on my living arrangement. She related it back to her life and said "if one of my boys did what you were doing, i would not let it happen, and they wouldn't attempt to leave home, because they know i'd go and find them and kick their asses," She came off to me as if she was talking as if my own mother was a terrible parent. Which there were things in the past that happened that none of my dads side will never agree on, but that's what to be expected. I actually recently talked to my mom on the phone, even though I never keep in contact with her. I actually seen a train in thunder bay. As it was passing by it woke me up and I saw that it had a big graphitti writing on it and it wrote; "call your mom, she misses you" and if that wasn't a sign, I don't know what is. So I took action and asked my sister what her number was and I was saddened to hear that she was not doing well and has cancer. I didn't want to know anything more. But I called her and we had an awesome hour conversation and I actually realized how much I really miss my Mom. In a way, my Mom might not agree on whatever I am doing is right and she is going to be always concerned about me. But, she can tell I know what I am doing, I'll always do the right thing and be safe. She is supportive and open to hear about my journey. My Mom has healed parts in me that were doubtful, I know now that I always have a place were I can be completely safe in all aspects of life. As long as I have a family that supports me and my dreams fully, I could care less about any of the negatives.

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