What we can heal with colored light - Chromotherapy
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to use colors as a way to make your life healthier? The truth is, you can. Dr. Alexander Wunsch, who is based in Germany, is a world-class expert in the use of light as a therapeutic healing agent, and is a human treasure trove of information on a topic that very few people understand.
In previous interviews, we've discussed the history of photobiology and how LED lighting can compromise your health. Here, our focus in on the therapeutic use of colored light, which Wunsch began experimenting with nearly 25 years ago.
"My first approach was colorpuncture from Peter Mandel. One evening, I met a friend of mine. I told him I would like to go deeper into the colorpuncture issue and learn more about that. He handed me a book by Darius Dinshah, 'Let There Be Light: Practical Manual for Spectro-Chrome Therapy' ...
I thought this is really a fascinating color system. It's not only a color therapy method, it's also a beautiful color system - [the way] Dinshah arranged these 12 basic colors, how they compose the Spectro-Chrome color wheel is a pleasure by itself, because it's very symmetric and there's a very logical plan behind it. I started to evaluate this method on my own."
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