"The Star of Caring" a sonnet
My night has come upon me,
I have yet another early day.
Tomorrow will come too soon,
For now I'll be on my way.
My wish is that you'll see the grandeur
In the distance and experience awe,
And yet not lose sight of the intricacies
Of the pools beneath your paws.
Let no mist obscure your dreams away,
Let the warm glow of love enfold you.
Tomorrow is Another day;
To your own self Be true.
Let kindness be the Path you take, let
The star of Caring Lead you home.

"The Star of Caring"
a sonnet
Jerry E Smith
Rathmannsdorf, Saxony, Germany
Artem Sapegin

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

This .gif was created by @elgeko

My night has come upon me,
I have yet another early day.
Tomorrow will come too soon,
For now I'll be on my way.
My wish is that you'll see the grandeur
In the distance and experience awe,
And yet not lose sight of the intricacies
Of the pools beneath your paws.
Let no mist obscure your dreams away,
Let the warm glow of love enfold you.
Tomorrow is Another day;
To your own self Be true.
Let kindness be the Path you take, let
The star of Caring Lead you home.
"The Star of Caring"
a sonnet
Jerry E Smith
Rathmannsdorf, Saxony, Germany
Artem Sapegin
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
This .gif was created by @elgeko