Sonic Unleashed drawings (NOT BY ME!)
Sorry, removed the picture, very new and one of my first posts. My goal is to showcase artists that I enjoy, not take credit for anyone else's work.
I didn't draw this, but this piece of art is awesome!
Sonic unleashed is my favorite game in the franchise, and it got me into Sonic in the first place, so I have a soft spot in my heart for the game and it's characters. :)
It's good that you didn't claim you made this, but you really shouldn't repost other people's artworks, especially to Steemit of all places ]:T
You didn't even credit the artist... did you even get permission to post this?
I've seen your other posts, I know you can draw. Please consider making more original works, it's better for the community, and gives you a better rep with other artists : )
Tho I gotta say... If you didn't get permission... Mayyybe you should consider deleting this post? u_u); Just out of courtesy for aoi?

[This picture on their Twitter]/[This picture on their deviantART]
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
((tbh, it would have been more helpful if you could do this same thing for images lol?
((Still, good job, I guess lol /pats the robot on the head/