I HATE solitary confinement! I’ve been there once and never want to go back there again. It happened when I least expected it and it was a shock to my system…….to put it mildly. At first, I ranted and raved (inwardly) because I didn’t think I deserved to be there. It just wasn’t fair! Why didn’t someone tell me I was committing a punishable misdemeanour?

Before you read further, I apologise for having to use stock photos to illustrate my predicament, but I was understandably reluctant to have my photo taken whilst ensconced in my lonely, bleak cell. Also, I suck at taking selfies, so I’ve had to improvise.

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Now, I could have sulked, called the lawyer I haven’t introduced myself to yet, fretted about wasted time and the embarrassing situation I found myself in, but I decided to warn other, naïve souls of the pitfalls that I had fallen victim to. Attempting to reduce my symptoms of severe withdrawals, I forced myself to partake of the unpalatable prison food that had been placed unceremoniously in front of me and plan my escape. I ended up with a bad case of internet indigestion. What do people see in some of those other social websites?

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What was my crime you may well ask? It is the same one as my dear friend @katrina-ariel (only on Steemit can you call someone you’ve had just one conversation with a dear friend) ……as I was saying, my new bestie (Remember me Katrina?) was an early offender and she did the right thing by sharing her experience with fellow steemians. Her crime like mine, was that she was just too darned enthusiastic! Yes, you read right! I believe this phenomenon can become an occupational hazard here in Steemit.

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At this juncture, I will confess with head bowed and face shamed that I had read Kathrina’s fabulous post titled, "The Biggest Mistake I Made on my 1st day in Steemit." And that is why I didn’t go kicking and screaming with hands cuffed and prison garbed into my proverbial paddy wagon on route to my confinement. I had been forewarned and was aware of the danger of offending in such a manner.

I just didn’t think my level of exuberance matched hers and therefore ruled myself out of becoming a likely candidate of meeting that same dreaded fate. I should have clicked on Katrina's link explaining the Bandwidth factor. Hindsight is all very well but having chucked a fair few of ‘last years’ calendars into the bin, I’ve learned (often uncomfortably) that experience is an extremely effective teacher. Pity I have to learn things the hard way.

Another dear friend, prior to me joining this E-STEEMED group of people told me she was addicted to Steemit. I remember smiling to myself, thinking, “Good on you. I am so happy for you.” Now here I am still sitting in my highchair with my steemit bib on; an immature whitebait babe (they’re the smallest fish I could think of) in a family of minnows, herrings, and giant whales, barely a month into it and I find myself suffering from the same disease. Addiction!

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I was dimly aware of it happening, but I steemed on, in my nonchalant manner but because I inadvertently used up my bandwidth allowance yesterday by welcoming new members, commenting as though RSI hadn’t been invented and squeezing in one more photo challenge for the day, I misused my privileges and found myself deprived of the freedom I was so enjoying yesterday.

Was I frustrated when I woke up this morning and couldn’t Steemit? Oh yes.

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But rather than fume, twiddle my fingers in despair, waste time or increase my internet indigestion, I decided I would make the most of my confinement by bringing this issue; the one that I hadn’t previously given enough attention to, into the limelight for other newbies.

It’s true. I could have done some housework. Yuk!


But altruism ruled the day! (I am blinded by my own heroism!) Due to the many discarded calendars, I admit, that my concentration levels are certainly not what they used to be and I have felt swamped at the amount of information I need to absorb to get where I want to go in Steemit. (Oh…….I am so longing to chuck my dummy.)


But if a whale calf doesn’t learn to swim, early on, she or he will get washed ashore and stranded on a beach as lonely as my confinement and I don’t want that to happen to anyone, for however brief the internment. Instead of trying to learn it all at once, I will not put too much pressure on myself but go at a pace I am comfortable with whilst simultaneously taking time to understand one segment at a time……..even if I have to learn the hard way.

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Every concept grasped is graduation day for me.

Now that I have done my good deed for the day I will get back to the business of posting, commenting and learning, but in a manner more fitting to my present status. And in the interests of making my votes more valuable I will resist the temptation to show my appreciation as often as I’d like to and keep an eye on my bandwidth usage.

Here are the details on how to avoid solitary confinement:


So, to all my ‘dear,’ new found friends and to others whom I’ve had the pleasure of knowing pre-Steemit: Thank you for bearing with me in this lengthy preamble. I value you all and look forward to many more fun times ahead.

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See you around!

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Oh my goodness! It took me a while to understand what you were talking about! I ran into the bandwidth issue this morning (day 3). I had no idea what was happening... thanks for posting this! Resteemed and upped :)

Sorry to get your attention by misleading you for a few paragraphs Keith. I do hope you read on because you were concerned for my mental stability. But please don't relax on that score. I never know what I am going to come up with next (lol) Huge thanks for your kind upvote and resteem. They are greatly appreciated.

Oh, no problem! I read the whole thing... I was wondering what you did to get locked up! :)

Haha......it could have been any number of things Keith......but my lips are sealed.

Lol, same. It was well written and I was thinking, what on earth could she have done? Was it something simple like criticising the government in the wrong country, or is she really a cannibal axe murderer in disguise?

Oh dear You are way too perceptive @andyfishman You're on the right track though. I'm actually a repeat offender and extremely guilty of "Fish Prowling!" But don't tell anyone. The fish inspectors haven't caught me yet And that wasn't what I was locked up for. .

lol! Hilarious post. Bandwidth denial does feel a bit like confinement, especially when you're over-enthusiastic (guilty), and haven't built up enough SP. The worst is what happened to me the other morning: I went to bed early like a good girl, stayed off Steemit for a full 12 hours!!! and woke up to a negative bandwidth. Negative. How does that happen?

Yes, you could have done some housework, but instead you wrote a funny post. Personally, I think a step away from the machines is a good call, but it hurts when it's a forced one. Don't worry, if you find yourself in solitary confinement, it's only temporary. Steem on, dear friend! :)

Hi Katrina my dear friend. Glad I got a giggle out of you. I have to say, being accused of being over enthusiastic is a huge compliment at my age. But you know how it is when you are on a roll. Once you've gained traction its hard to put the brakes on. And it didn't do me any harm to have an enforced break even though I made a big fuss about it here. (lol) So, are you saying that a negative bandwidth has happened twice with you? I tried that link you posted for us to use to check on our usage but it didn't work. It was included in Tim's article on bandwidth too but I couldn't get through on that either. I have a feeling people might ask me how to go about checking but I won't be able to help them. Any suggestions?

Hilarious! I have never had solitary and I have been totally enthusiastic! I swear!

When I first came here there was a bandwidth problem and people were always being locked out (or in as you see fit!) but, I had that wand waved over me or I was on mostly at night where less is being used?

Did I miss anything good? I hear tell that there are Chippendale dancers! Are you sure you are telling all?

Fess up!!

Chippendale dancers in solitary confinement? That is stretching the word 'confinement' ......but at least I wouldn't be bored. Don't make me go there again Denise. The bread was awful and I need gluten free.

LOL!!! What a wonderful and refreshing blog! Oh how much I hate that bandwidth crap! Yes, I said it! I am going to spare you some agony and gray hairs, use these two and you'll come ahead much quicker (remember me when you're a billionaire blogger): steemstats.com, busy.org. Eventually, you'd want to make use of this one too: streemian.com. 😉

Only a true friend would be interested in sparing me some agony and gray hairs @coquiunlimited (Huge thanks.......and a peck on the cheek) But I did the "growing old gracefully" thing a few months ago because it really hurts to pull out all those gray hairs after a while. And besides, they proved more persistent than me and that is saying something. OOOh I like the idea of being a billionaire blogger but I think I may run out of years before that is likely to happen but I sure do appreciate your vote of confidence. That's what friends are for eh? I am going to copy and paste those links straight away and I thank you again for your thoughtfulness.

LOL. Much success to you. 👍

Just keep doing your thing and you will be earning, so soon then you will never have to worry about it again.

Those words have a very sweet sound to them Paul. It will be fun trying anyway. Thanks once again for your wonderful encouragement. It doesn't go un-noticed.

Hello @andyfish I was wondering how you were doing. But as you can see my wings were clipped very abruptly this morning and I was prevented from interacting. Thanks so much for dropping in and gifting me with a kind upvote. How are the fish doing? Do you have to add cool water to them to keep their environment more comfortable in this hot weather? I have to look after those redfins you are breeding for me. Must go and check to see if those Canberra shots have been posted yet. I don't want to miss out on my qualified tour guide info.

The hot weather appears to be over. We have gone back to overcast and it is predicted for the next month. Highly unusual for Canberra at this time of year, but it is the modern world and the new paradigm.

Oh, aren't you lucky? Make the most of the cooler weather while you can. It is a wise (or very qualified weather man) who can predict the forecast with accuracy these days.

I love the sunshine. I think I may be part plant and need to photosynthesise as I only feel really energetic in the sun and heat.

You and I are 'Solar' opposites @andyfishman It is the cooler weather that gives me most energy, but I do love the warmth of the sun in the winter penetrating the cold. It is such a heavenly contrast for me. I hope the sun shines down on you today so that you can photosynthesise to your hearts content.

Nope, another muggy, cloudy, overcast day. 4 in a row without any rain to speak of. Just the longest lightning storm ever the night before last.

Oh.....maybe tomorrow then. That cloudy weather cannot last forever. I used to love a good lightning storm until I got zapped by it in 2011. I watch them from afar now.

Haha. Great post Trudee.

Oh thank you Joanne. Glad you enjoyed it.

I'm having the same problem again this morning. When I signed off last night my available bandwidth was 99%. When I checked this morning it was -40%. I don't know if this comment will post or not.. I think today I will look into buying some SP and learn how that works.

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