Juice Fast - Day 30 - Most important post you'll ever read...

I just finished day 30 of my juice fast...I mean..."feast". For those that have been inspiring me, you know that last year I also did a juice feast of 60 days. But why did I do something so crazy as this? Why did I suddenly give up consuming animal flesh, milks, cheeses, eggs, and even give up solid fruits and vegetables for their liquid forms? How is this the most important post you'll ever read?

Why do a juice fast?

  1. To get more ENERGY!
  2. To feel better and work at your ultimate level of performance. (Seriously.)
  3. To lose unnecessary fat weight.
  4. To remove the fecal matter in your colon -- the average person has over 15 meals backed up in their intestines. Think you poop out your night time meal the next day? Think again! You expel that at least 3-4 days later...IF EVER.
  5. To get rid of the most dangerous substance in the world: that which is rotten and putrefying in your intestines, continuously poisoning your blood...

This is the most important message you'll hear all day, and it is likely the most important message you'll hear all year and possibly your LIFE. So take this serious, and listen to what John Rose says below. (Btw, I will give everything earned from this article to John Rose upon his signing up for Steemit...we all really need him on Steem!)

Today's juice...

Today I had some weird options. The one that I am proud of is pictured below: 1 stalk of celery, 1-2 small "thumbs" of ginger, and 4 large asian pears. I used double of these substances to make a juice for 2:



my chiropractor would say, "just eat the whole plant", and chew it well.
but of course, it's really hard to eat some of these plants raw... so juicing has that going for it. I like to cook Kale just a little; makes it way more edible; but it's still mostly raw..

Once you start eating plant diet; and lots of fiber; it goes right through you each day!

Chew the juices and activate the mouth enzymes in the same fashion :)

Is it valuable that those are words from a chiropractor? I'd value the words of a gastroenterologist before a chiropractor...however, those words are still true. Check this out... here's where eating the whole plant/fruit IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS:

  • When you add fluids, you are rehydrating any dried (and stuck / obstructed) matter in your colon.
  • When your diet is higher in juicy fruits and vegetables--including all of the pulp, non-soluble fiber, starches, etc.--you add more solid matter to your colon! This solid matter will get dehydrated from your colon and--with health consequences--from the old, dry fecal matter. You potentially gain more dry fecal matter in your colon. These new items you add then become easily stuck and add further obstruction. Over time, your bowels movements are less and less regular.... you become more impacted... your belly bloats up... you get larger... your body accumulates more toxic elements and buffers them with fatty mucous...etc...
  • When your diet is higher in just the liquids from these fruits and vegetables, you are adding less solid items, and thus more of the old, dry, sticky items that are obstructing and slowing down your intestinal flow will be removed through fecal matter rehydration.

Hope that helps! :) And thank you for reading, commenting, and upvoting!! Much appreciated.

I read the comment - makes no sense? What are you saying there?

Is juice cause of intestines problems for humans?

To put it simply, this is very situational. "Eating the whole plant" is a great thing to do. However, when your colon is backed up with over 9-10 past meals with a bunch of hardened, dry fecal matter ... drinking ONLY the juices from fruits/veggies will be significantly more advantageous than "just eating the whole fruit/veggie". It becomes a better choice if your goal is your health -- and even though this is a "better choice", it does not imply that eating the whole fruit/veggie is bad.

Now that you know this, re-read the comment and hopefully it'll make more sense! :) Thank you for asking.

Thank you for the explanation.

There's one of the paragraphs in previous comment that looks it contradicts your post bottom line idea.

Quote "When your diet is higher in juicy fruits and vegetables--including all of the pulp, non-soluble fiber, starches, etc.--you add more solid matter to your colon! This solid matter will get dehydrated from your colon and--with health consequences--from the old, dry fecal matter. You potentially gain more dry fecal matter in your colon. These new items you add then become easily stuck and add further obstruction. " end quote

More juice means more solid matter ?!? Typo error ?

I am not saying "more juice". I am saying that even if you eat juicy fruits (eat the solid fruit matter AND the juice/water content inside of the fruit) that you are still adding matter to your colon. The other dehydrated matter can easily pull the water from the solid fruit material, thus dehydrating that solid fruit matter. This means that when you eating fruits and vegetables, you still have matter in your colon that can get dried up from the older dried material. However, if you drink only the juice--and you do not eat the solid fruit material--then your juice will absorb into your blood and rehydrate old dry fecal matter, preparing it for better elimination. Thus, the juice does not add more matter to your colon. Over time, drinking juices will clean out all of the old material in your intestines without leaving new material behind. Hope this helps :)

:-) hi Robert , I read the comment, thank you for your time.

I understand the principles but the quoted paragraph still looks contradictory - not telling me the truth you just ref. to.

Hope this helps

Best Regards

How do you have so much willpower??? I am so inspired by you omg! @robertgenito

Thank youuuu :D Please repost to help others become inspired (or at least aware!) of this important issue. Honestly, I never expected it to be LESS about will power and more about getting over my fears and learning more about what REALLY goes on in the body. (Hint: it's way simpler than people are mislead to believe...)

@robertgenito Congrats on your efforts! What sort of sewage have you experienced so far on the 30 days?

If memory serves me well... I believe the first week was mostly solid material, followed by another week of solid and watery fecal sewage. The posts should answer about my previous sewage. Lately, my #2 has been a lot of diarrhea with small solid chunks. I've travelled a bit, and I've been able to see these chunks on the top of public toilet paper coverings. Interesting stuff... looks like a combination of old and new fecal matter.

Thank you for asking such a personal question! :) I don't mind at all, and I know these questions can be difficult to ask...yet equally as rewarding for those who don't want to ask! :)

Thank you. It's important these things are discussed as most don't understand the nature of their own waste. We need to over the uncomfortable nature in talking about this.

Good point!! :) will you help re-steem this and spread the word? I really appreciate you coming here as well to help others :)

Resteemed! Let's support each other and everyone else along the journey to regenerative detoxification awareness!

Hmmm, I'm too scared of starvation and the inability to stay committed.

I commend your brave journey. A very healthy one at that!

Starvation is impossible on a juice feast! :D

I know what you mean - i ve been there - so many important targets to achieve during the day .. you don't want to take the risk of a change on your performance

Thank you for reading and commenting, Sophia! I had to overcome my fear before I began juice fasting. Overcoming the fear became easy when I learned techniques to do so. Fear is the hard part when it goes unmanaged...and one day adults will realize that fear has held them back from everything good in life!

Nice, I have done Lemon cleanse with maple syrup 3 times in my life and I am looking forward to do juice fast for sure, this post motivate me to do it, thanks

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