Ensuring your apps are cross-browser compatible is key to their success. Look at 10 things devs can do to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
One of the major hurdles that web developers, as well as app developers, face is testing their website/app across different browsers. This is also called ‘Cross-Browser Testing.’ There are so many browsers and browser versions (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Yandex, etc.), numerous ways in which your website/app can be accessed (via desktop, smartphones, tablets, etc.) and numerous operating systems (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, etc.) which might be used to access your website. Ensuring that your website’s UI/UX and its functionalities work without any flaws on the combination of ‘Browsers + Browser Version + Operating Systems + Device Profiles’ would involve numerous man-hours for development, testing, and maintenance. Though testing might include automated cross-browser testing, you would always prefer to have a round of manual cross-browser testing before the final release.
Read More: https://dzone.com/articles/34-ways-to-save-time-on-manual-cross-browser-testi