Share your toughts! Global inequality

in #society7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians,

i've read so many inspiring steemit life changing stories, today i upvote and quote a comment from Fukumineko:

post 27.PNG

your story is touching and inspiring me because you explain how life can quickly turn bad having an accident then being in trouble with debt and fortunatly finding a way to become financially free and be able to reconnect with your passion and feel human again.

I cant even save a penny nor spoil myself a decent double shot espresso at a local coffee shop. Fukumineko

The current society economic model is totally unbalanced as the Rich continue to be richer at the expense of the poorest.

82% of the money generated in 2017 went to the richest 1%

Half of the worlds wealth now in hands if 1% of population

80% of hymanity lives on less than 10$ a day

22 000 children die each day because of poverty

We all know this world is outragously unfair depending on where you are born.

              The question is what could we do about it?

Help the poor giving money to charity fund is great but is it a long term viable solution?

I think it is a great short term solution to help the poor to provide the minimum they absolutly need now but in a long term perspective we need to help the poor countries to get out of debt and construct a solid economy to provide job , education and hospitals...

Create a fair new economic model

What is the point anayway to accumulate indifinitively more and more money?

1.5% tax on billionaires could educate all the world's children

There is no reason to let people accumulate money over a billion $ as it only provide power and doesn't change their quality of life.

I think we could put a worldwide hard cap on personal weatlh. If somebody get over 1 billions $ all the profits are reinvested to create a strong economy worlwide, build schools and hospitals in poor countries...

If the richest countries combined would participate with 1% of their income it would end extreme poverty worlwide next 20 years

10% of world military spending could knock off poverty

Why do we still need to go at war? Do you really want to kill friendly steemians? Do we really want a nuclear war?

This is totally ridiculous how we could let it happens, it just blow my mind how we don't arrive to unit worlwide to fight such disgrace.

Our system need to change, we need to help the less fortunate to access a decent life, get out of debt.

As fukumineko story shows us the income effect of steemit has change her life, gave her back confidence and passion to live happy, got out of debt and feel human again.

Crypto demonstrate a new viable economic model, how we can actively change lifes simply sharing rewards, i hope it will inspire humanity to finally find a better equilibrium.

Richer could finally find enought heart to help the less fortunate person to have a decent life.

It is not a matter of political convictions but human dignity.

Richer we are bigger is our responsability to help for a better world.

I am sure the only way to peacefully change our future goes with communication to create waves of global awakening.

Share your toughts!


Thanks @damarth for bringing up this sort of discussion. Well from where I come the rich just keep getting richer and the poor keeps getting poorer. Nigeria is a land blessed with so many wonderful gifts but our corrupt leaders are not willing to move the Nation foward with it. I livr in a country where the approved minimum wage is #18,000 and to rent an apartment will cost you #15,000 above a month.

I remember growing up things was very difficult for us because the government refused to pay my father and other workers salary for over a year, things was so bad that we couldn't feed, some days my sister will win free drinks from promo organized by beverage companies and we'll sell them to buy roadside food to survive. But as bad as this period was for us there were people that were experiencing hardship far worse and when I think of this I feel my heart burn.

The gap between the poor and the rich in my society is just so alarming. People can't feed, cloth themselves, go to school and there are many homeless around us.

We as individuals should always seek to help those that are less priviledged in any little way we can. Change starts from individuals, one day some of us here will be in position of power and if we don't have the right attitude now we won't be different from our failed leaders.

I have been habouring ideas of using steemit to affect the life of those lesser priviledged I see everyday especially the little kids that are starving, these kids beg to survive and I see them everyday. Hopefully I'll be able to start up a project on steemit which if successful will enable me to provide at least 1 meal a day for them.

"82% of the money generated in 2017 went to the richest 1%" - Unfortunately in the crypto world, the same thing happens as on Steemit - the number SP affects the distribution of the reward pool. But trying to change this at least to some extent in the crypto space will bear fruit - I'm sure. Already, new models of thinking among the world's richest people are visible. In this article, I reflect on the emergence of a new spiritual paradigm, the new religion of the crypto generation - I hope you like the way my thoughts go. I believe that without spiritual evolution, people can not build anything more perfect and just.


Hello @damarth
I read through @fukumineko comment... The truth is there are a lot of similar cases out there just like hers.
But there's always a thing or two to learn from these kind of stories.... When life hits you to the ground.."Stand up.. Dust your cloths and keep walking!"
She did that... And along the way she found steemit!

Every devoted Steemian has a good story to tell... Just like her, i could choose to quit my job today and focus on Steemit! Because working for Steemit for the past 26 days has paid me better than any job I've ever had.

I have always felt that taking from the rich and giving it to the poor is not the way out.
For me the only way to help the downtrodden is to create better jobs, more opportunities, more tools, more jobs and more jobs to improve their incomes and fairer treatment in economic policy.

In the event that all this isn't achievable... Am sure Steemit is always ready to welcome anyone with arms wide open :))

I never been appreciated at my work. I am always the underdog, the wallflower and the youngest. I never got the opportunity to be heard. My skills were not noticed only here on steemit.

Your posts make me touched and sad, because in the course of my life ,, god provide convenience for me through @shuta

You hit the nail on the head. The fundamental issue with our financial system is access. The rich have both the access and the resources to maximize the benefits our financial system provides. The poor? Not so much. This is inherently what education is supposed to fix - and it is still the best route out of poverty - but that's a less viable route for someone who's already graduated or in a job.

I think one of the real benefits of crypto is that it's a new market which allows access to all. Many of us are still on the same standing ground in terms of access - although this is starting to change. In any event, we need more folks to see this opportunity and try to seize the opportunity. If anything, at a highly simplistic level, they will hopefully walk away with some confidence and inspiration from the crypto success stories - which is the first step we all need to start turning things around.

All that you have said here is true and we need to take a stand for ourselves and those who cannot do so

As long as the system remains as it is, nothing will change...
We are supposed to have democracy in the majority of the "civilized" countries, but what we have is a form of dictatorship: big corporations - mostly in the banking and pharmaceutical industries - are controlling the politicians and therefore the governments... They have the control over the media, "informing" the masses only on what they want...
All the facts you shared are shocking, but even more shocking is the fact that, even though it's so simple to solve the biggest problems on earth, nobody - of those who are responsible - does anything!

How can something be changed when those responsible to bring the change are those who have created it and are maintaining it...?

The biggest hope of humanity is some people and organisations that really care about humanity, they help and they fight for change...
The global expansion of the internet is giving a big power to us. It gives the opportunity to everyone to have access to information that are not controlled and/or censored by the manipullative big media...
An opportunity for everyone to have access to education which they couldn't have otherwise...
To speak up and communicate with like minded people and realise that there are many of us who think differently and who really care about humanity...

I believe the decentralised blockhain environment advances this opportunity to a whole different level... Steemit is a great example of that.
Not only it helps people like fukumineko to advance their lifestyle but it also gives the chance to people like you (and others in here) to help both practically by rewarding and also by sharing the messages of compassion, empathy and support, for creating a different and better world!
Congrats on what you are doing!

"I think it is a great short term solution to help the poor to provide the minimum they absolutely need now but in a long term perspective we need to help the poor countries to get out of debt and construct a solid economy to provide job , education and hospitals..."
I agree with you on this Sir @damarth. We need to keep helping those in need as much as we can, even if it's a temporary relief. It goes a long way @damarth. Growing up was tough, I grew up in an abusive home
and I try to help others who are going through what I went through.
I founded Faith, Hope and Love Foundation for the less priviledged late last year and spreading happiness to them gives me great joy.
I also organise free after school classes and skills acquisition training for the children in my community.
We recently had our NEW YEARS PARTY AT THE FOUNDATION and they all had fun(with lots of food and party packs of course)
I also support them by paying their tuition fees and also supporting some of their parents to start up businesses for themselves thanks to steemit.
Your support would be highly appreciated @damarth. Thank You Sir.

I'm with you in this.

We're all here to make money for our families and yourself, and to make our lives easier.

I know that money doesn't make you happy, but there were times when I wasn't happy, and it was mostly becuase I lacked money.

This is actually a great way to get out of bad financial situation, and I don't why some of these people try to ruin that.


The problem with charity organizations coming to help the poor in poor countries is that they tend to teach the people how to eat fish and not how to fish. The problem become complex as they bring the fish from abroad ignoring the local fisherman who already new how to fish instead how supporting the fisherman to teach more people how to fish. In a short while even the fisherman who can no longer sell his fish as the population now depend on the little manna dropped by charity organizations. So the fishermen also foil their ship and join the queue. A long term solution would be finding program and platform to engage the community to farm and instead of bringing expert from abroad, they should partner with the locals who were already in the field. This is the shortsightedness of charity organizations

Actually the issue is that most of the charity help doesnt even reach the affected parties. I remember when there were displaced persons in my country, Nigeria. It was so disheartening when we heard that some of the relief materials donated were being sold by some of the officials who were supposed to be taking care of these persons.

This happened in my country too. So steemit is better way of helping people.

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