Generic Acknowledgement / 7 - 10 - 18

in #society7 years ago (edited)

After having a conversation this afternoon with a 25 year old young man, something hit me. One of the constant things I've strived for consistently throughout my entire life is "fairness". It's a BIG thing with me. Therefore.... In the interest of said fairness, I have something I'd like to express.

In the past 15 some odd years, I have been repeatedly repulsed, disgusted, & downright enraged at today's so-called "parents", & naturally, their offspring. I'm not going to dwell too much on this part of the post because it is NOT where I want people to focus, but I do HAVE to lay this part out so that the main part will make sense.

I have seen, & continue to see "parents" that either have no concept what it means to BE a parent, OR they are just straight up lazy. As to their offspring..... I have witnessed children sassing their parents "privately" AND with an audience. I have witnessed children cussing out their parents. I have witnessed children physically slapping / punching their parents. I have witnessed children bullying, threatening, & shaming their parents......... I have witnessed children throwing tantrums, loud, obnoxious, shameful tantrums in public towards their parents for DARING to tell them "no". This list goes on, & on...... I feel like you get the idea at this point. Sadly? More than likely? You yourSELF have witnessed all these same things as well far too many times. Even witnessing them ONCE is one time too many. Ya feel me? To continue.....

These kids have no concept what it means to EARN what they want, how to respect authority, to "know their place" as a child, how to commit, how to behave themselves in public, that "no" MEANS "no", etc. etc. etc.... The future is FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot sugar coat the facts on that. Even if I COULD sugar coat them - I wouldN'T! I wouldn't be doing anybody any favors that way. The facts are ugly, & they MUST be faced head on. Not only faced ,but DEALT with. Handled! Understand? Moving on....... To the actual POINT of this post.......

As I said, after I finished speaking with this young 25 year old this afternoon, something hit me. Now, it may not sound like a big deal to anybody else, but for me personally - it is a BIG deal. As I said, I'm HUGE on fairness. Therefore.... In fairness..... I MUST say this!

It is NOT the entire generation that was a waste of perfectly good eggs! There ARE good, intelligent, hard working, decent, God respecting, authority respecting, ambitious, drug free {which includes NO pot}, clear thinking {comes with NO drugs, ya know}, goal oriented, CLEAN children out there. They DO exist! And their parents deserve gold medals for doing such outstanding jobs AS parents. REAL parents! I would LOVE to shake the hand of each, & EVERY one of those parents! I would LOVE to personally tell them "thank you, & God BLESS you for CLEARLY loving your child enough to raise them with discipline, rules, respect, etc."!!!!!! I would LOVE to add that THOSE children are a TRUE CREDIT & a BENEFIT to society overall!!!!!!! They DO exist!!!!!! I HAVE one mySELF! These children are EMBARRASSED to be part of this particuliar generation! I mean, GENUINELY mortified to be associated with them. As they SHOULD be.

But it is not the fault of the GOOD children that their peers are such a rainbow colored, terminology distorting, downright illiterate, pussified, disrespectful, downright criminal, lazy ass, loser bunch of fuck-ups! No!!!! It is NOT!!!! Whose fault IS it? Factually? The so-called "parents" that spawned them! The ones that were either too damn lazy, or too big of a coward to do their damn jobs as they SHOULD have done them! THAT is where the blame begins, & ends! It is NOT to be put upon the shoulders of the GOOD children! And GOOD children DO exist!!!!!!!! I just wish they weren't all so far apart from each other. I'm serious. We need several GROUPS of them! EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

These children are EMBARASSED to be part of this particuliar generation!
It should be embarrassed instead of embarassed.

Thank you! I appreciate that. I apparently hit "post" before I proofed my work. Again, thank you for catching it. I really appreciate that. Now I MUST correct it. :-D

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