I'll play devils advocate since you brought up the topic.... aside from not wanting to conform to the wishes of others, is there a deeper reason you don't want kids right now ?
The only thing I will say: having a child drives you to be much more mature... there's really no other option. Rewarding and challenging at the same time. Definitely worth it. At least you're planning one way or another. Some just throw the legs up and are like 'whatevs!'
My wife and I are about to have our second and she is turning 33 in a few days. We're done after this because at 35 the risk of down syndrome and other complications increases rapidly. Not worth the risk and this pregnancy was rough on both of us (she got the tougher end of the deal, but the entirety of household tasks and taking care of our son is on me since she's been sick the whole time).
The societal pressure to a woman that might have problems getting pregnant is worse. And I am not going to use a child to fulfill my self-development journey, that is being more mature and all other things.
If I ever decide to become a mother at an age of 40, biologically speaking it would be difficult, I am not against adoption.
Congratulations to you and your wife :)