The POWER of CONSENT in Endeavours!!
Humans are SOCIAL being which depends on one another for varied conveniences and desires! The ability to so socialise , is one of the best quality and gift that can be acquired congenitally and by nurture!
The levels of success or otherwise of persons in varied field of endeavour is factored in their ability to beso adapted!
Politics , businesses , ecumenism, sport, marital, education etc demands dexterity in social interactions by CONSENTS to maneuver successfully.
But what Is "CONSENT" in this regard ??
"It is the acceptability of an opinion or action or intent as voiced by a unit of a social group to all units of the cohesive group"
Since social values is hinged on other members of a group , the intent of a member , when accepted by the others automatically amplifies its import , even as it is "pushed " by sundry intbe group!
This , obviously explains why folks of seemingly equal financial cum mental endowments succeeds differently in a similar economic climate.
But could General success be limited to this factor????
Obviously there are more foundations upon which successes are founded !!
It would be appreciated if you could avail some of these in our comments to the benefit of the entire steemit readership.
Thanks indeed for visiting