ICO Opportunity: GroundBreaking Decentralized Social Media Platform Is Coming July 17th....

in #socialmedia8 years ago (edited)

Ong.Social will be raising 30 million on July 17th…. And I am telling everyone I know. 

Here’s why: 

  • I am tired of information being mined, used, and sold often without my permission, and always without me getting anything for it. 
  • I am tired or these major platforms sharing exactly 0% of their ad revenue with ME.  They are getting paid because I’m on the platform, where’s my piece? 
  • I’m tired of of YouTube DE-MONETIZING my favorite YouTubers just because they have something to say that that the mainstream doesn’t want you to hear.
  • I’m tired of Facebook’s algorithms preventing my own friends/fans from seeing my content because Facebook wants me to pay to “boost” my reach - ARE YOU SERIOUS???

Fuck YouTube. And Fuck Facebook. 

They are both extensions of the dark forces that have been suppressing truth and love on our planet for FAR TOO LONG - and we NEED real alternatives that allow for TRUTH, LOVE, AND VOLUNTARISM to heal the world. 

That’s why I’m on STEEMIT, and because I want and the COMMUNITY to decide what my content is worth.  I’ll get paid for good content, and ignored if I don’t produce good content.  That’s the way it should be.

In my humble opinion, ONG.SOCIAL has the potential to massively destabilize and shift the balance of power from these thuggish companies and distribute the power (and some of the wealth) back to the people. 

And you can check out the whitepaper over here: https://www.ongcoin.io/


OMG, here comes ONG!

I am on ONG already, now lookin' to bring some buddies over from the dark side...

I am on Ong. Social. I am Jazz Williams on there if you want to add me

I'm on there. Add me http://ong.social/tjtrusty

Wow this is huge! How do you think this will interact with Steemit and how will you utilize these two together?

It definitely will.... that is one of the priorities. Basically, you can post on Steem, get paid in steem, and then just link that post straight into the ONG platform and get paid again. Simple as that... and you can also imbed youtube/FB/twitter - whatever you like... That's one of the amazing things about the platform. It links to the rest so you can use it as a base.... And have your friends add you there. If you get erased off FB or youtube... all your friends (or fans) will still be in touch. It's beautiful :)

They plan on integrating it with Steemit soon enough. Hopefully before July 17th :). So that can be pretty epic :).

That would be great!

This integration will happen after the ICO ends. Most likely by December

I actually been on Ong. Social since March. Only down side to the site is you have to pay to get more money for your post.

Hi Jazz, good news is that once we add cryptocurrency you will not have to pay and will get max payout free.

Why do you guys need that much money other than to make a quick buck?
Honest question. What's your burn-rate, how big is the team? For example I didn't see any developers mentioned on the team, so how many developers do you have? Do you have a UX Designer? (If not, you should get me :P Plus it will be my bday so you totally should get me :P + I;m also a hacker so you know ... Basically you want me, I know it)
Either way, GL of course

It's not cheap to build a platform and scale. Zuckerberg got $500K from Thiel, 6 months later got $12.7M from Accel, then $100's of Millions shortly after while taking a loss for years to come. onG has built a nice platform without institutional investment money and now taking this into the blockchain to further protect the rights, freedoms and monetization of our members.

The Team is 7 strong officially, but more people behind the scenes. The platform has been in production for years, but after expanding the vision much bigger (including going decentralized + a whole lot more).... more funding is needed. This is NOT a pump and dumb. The people behind the project are amazing human beings...and the reason we are all behind it is because we want a platform we can call home. This (hopefully) will be it... along with a few others like steemit(obv) .... but ONG has had a great start so far, It's already up and has a user base..... exciting times... oh and the team is listed on the ONG page - have a look for yourself!

Build it..... They will come...

I regestered on ong.scocial a few weeks ago.
Seems promising

This is interesting. I tried to register, but am not able to include my DOB. Perhaps there is an error with the site?

Dunno try another browser? so far so good for me... but there's a contact form there if u need it!

Thanks @sashadaygame. I tried again (using Explorer) and was successful. My profile is: http://ong.social/brameld

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