📚 Social Media Challenge Update and Knowledge!

in #socialmedia7 years ago

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Hey, everyone!

If you haven't noticed (which the majority of you probably haven't), I haven't posted an update to my social media challenge.

So here it is!

Did I do the majority of the things that I said I was going to do? No, definitely not. Did I at least do some of the things that I said I was going to do? Yes, I did!

Things that I did do:

  • Twitter posts
    - I posted multiple times a day
    - I also did post my Instagram posts on Twitter
  • Instagram Posts
    - I also did add my Snapchat story to my IG story
  • Kind of Facebook Posts
    - What I did here was whenever I posted to Instagram, I automatically posted to my Facebook page

What I didn't do:

  • I did not do any Facebook status updates
  • I was not consistent
    - I posted a lot more than I thought I would, but I did not post every day


Stat Updates:
I finally crossed 400 followers on Instagram again! Last week, I was at 380 followers and today I stand at 405. According to Instagram's Business tools, I have gained 18 followers from April 03-09 and I have increased my reach by 105% from April 03-09.

For Twitter and Facebook, I haven't been able to really figure out how to get specific stat updates from the individual platforms. But! I did gain 2 followers on my Facebook Page and I received multiple new engagements on Twitter and Facebook.

So what did I learn with this challenge?

This challenge reinforced my belief in the power of social media. Social media is something that many people take for granted because they focus their time-consuming content instead of creating content.

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Social media is at it's most powerful when the user is consistent and involved. In my opinion, posting every day is not necessarily considered to be consistent. Instead, consistency means that there is a form of schedule involved. Posting every day will always be the best strategy for social media. But being consistent, in the sense that followers know when to expect your content, is even more important, in my opinion. So if you wish to post every other day, do your best to post every other day at the same time. That way, your followers know when a new post will go live and the level of engagement with the posts will increase dramatically. Involvement is also extremely important. This means that if you wish for other people to engage with your content, then you need to take the time to engage with other people's content. You cannot expect to gain a large following on any social media platform by only receiving attention. The more you give, the more it comes back to you. 100%

People who post a lot on social media are people who enjoy posting on social media. Seems like it's common sense, right? Posting on social media frequently has to be something that you enjoy and look forward to. If you have to struggle to come up with ideas on what to post or have to constantly remind yourself to post, then you're going to forget and posting will become a hassle. If it's a hassle then you're not going to make as much progress as you'd like to. If you want to grow your following, you'll have to adopt the social media lifestyle. P

In retrospect, I could have done a lot better on keeping track with my posting schedule. I can come up with a thousand excuses as to why I didn't post, but it really comes down to one thing: I haven't adopted the social media lifestyle. Posting and interacting with other people's content is not something that I'm constantly thinking about. But I now know what I must do in order to dominate the social media game. So get ready everyone because I'm going to make some money moves!

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