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RE: Free People stand straight and tall.

in #socialists6 years ago (edited)

The irony of all this......Is that the soldier you are so enamored of probably makes less than 10% that what those kneeling “slaves” you so dislike do.
One scores kills for peanuts while the others play with toy balls for Millions. Gotta love Murica’.
MAGA = Make Amurderca indiGenous Again!!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Yup - spot on - made next to nothing but peanuts in military service - except for excellent training/skills and much more (Navy) and then a good life and retired in my mid-fifties in 2000s, zero debt and acceptable net-worth... and MAGA back at yah!

you think the soldiers should be paid more?

I resisted any reply - held back and kept shimmering (resteemsed it as the few if any i do) and then wrote that crapolo... got the dander up - and being your post.. i usually do you can well handle all incoming - so this was on mind Everett.

I had intended my reply to Elder Phillips.
Sorry for the mix up

Rock and roll - no problemo as I recall a few weeks messing up on a few of your posts - age haze and cigar smoke :)

lot of that going around.
I can relate.

My last blog post need to unplugged or if he rises - we'll see (am with Coulter now - we are screwed)

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