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RE: Karl Marx: "I am not a Marxist!"
I find it interesting how communism socialism and a lot of other ideas are so heavily demonized.. on paper they are great ideas but I guess if you have idiots executing those ideas there's bound to be problems, although the same could be said of all governments democratic capitalism isn't so special.
Well, nothing like Marxism has ever been tried. Leninism has little similarity to Marxism. But socialism has been tried in various forms. The more anarchistic varieties, Revolutionary Catalonia, the EZLN, and modern Rojava were/are interesting expiriments. Social democracy in Sweden and Norway, though not full socialism (which is their greatest fault), is quite interesting too. Personally, I think the Lange-Lerner model (cf. Oskar Lange and Abba Lerner), the RICH economy (cf. Robert Anton Wilson), and FALC (cf. Aaron Bastani) are the most promising socialist models. Although, I do really appreciate Murray Bookchin and Abdullah Öcalan too.