Thunder...Thunder...Thundercats! Yo!
[Round One] ::#THUNDERcats::#Ho::
Tygra starting the fight that means I have the hardest bite. My seat strap is on tight as I patrol the unmarked road looking to force control. My native fam might be dammed but Mumm-ra will be canned, slammed & re banned before this clan!
A scientist, a builder, 2nd in command with a bolas plus I'm older. I can make you think I'm invisible I can punch you like a tank it's Un liveable like my shells, don't blink I'm in conceivably unstoppable!
Sooo Slithe will bash back withhh a big build I never lack but youuu Tygra won't attack-- thiss sstream and my eyes on you enssures you can't, your inferior and jealousss I can open the lid to your ttanker cause I'm stronger, better and a natural ssswimmer.
The tallessst of my kind made different for my time is jusst the mutant to bear you thiss time. I'm not ssoo slick but sstill I'm ssoo sick whos nexxt with thiss set?
The Jeckelmann will drop piggy back Slythe brought it hard but I'll stack this rap and give out some back slaps. Cheetara I thought you were a precog what happened to your future recall? Now your hubby has to take the fall even though your quick to draw that Damn bo staff.
I'm a true psychopath here to enlist more into Mumm-ra's army you cats we despise complicating our journey but soon you'll realize we're decapitating bodies killing all who's against Mumm-ra's army!
Kaynar back up your just trying to stay away from the dump or do you want to be turned into a stump? I can hit 120 for real, my staff might cause a red leak so go ahead and blink, before you wake Tygra and I will have a drink.
For a psychopath your not fast your more like a Sloth Cat not to make you gasp but you cannot win so go live in the dog pin! I've spent much of my time thinking, questioning, choosing but it was consuming now i choose you to get a kicking. Return to your skycutters, ignore Mumm-ra's letters and leave us be, you haters!
Look who's on the track to help with some mumbling rats, Kit not Kat. Cruising on our space boards dropping smoke balls like zombie hordes removing plugs from your skyboards.
How was that Kit scratch, to us your a rash now let's take out the trash! Kat up Kaynar's tail smoke to the eyes to cause your fail, swing at me and it'll bite past your hair but I can use flick to get outta here.
I'm older then Lion-O not a young punk hole unless it's 2011 then I have a tail and I'm like 7. The only thing that should be is you cannot defeat me Rakinbass and then you cannot find me.
One down, one rolling back above me, Slithe falling all around me my ball roll is just enough to drop your tough N rough so I can tie you down with stars floating around your crown.
Addicus the Monkian here did the big drop give you Scare? Yeah, my Skycutter gets tear and wear it'd look better if I wasn't always crashing, trashing and bashing.
Ape like, the big type, no I don't Skype. Dropping skulls of Thunderians to make my name legendarian I'm reversing vegetarians with Mishi Kanka barbecue'N!
Panthor the smartest, the tinker builder with the mostest, clawed tip chucks move the quickest expelling liquids, gases, smoke and balls unlike you mutants who lost ya'lls!
I built every moving machine we use, break it, scrape it and it'll be renewed but why stop there, check the barrel maybe you can handle the balls in there! Dropping these lines made me loose my mind so I'll just remove you from time!
Barbarians shut it, Vultaire is about to jack it-- your tank and really large Cannon. Your minds are weak and abandon so stuff your shells into yourselves so a swift kick will turn a tick ta spit and it'll rain liquid pricks.
I don't follow no one's rules I do to you as I do with tools, use, chew and abuse plus I'm evil so I always ruse. I'm so great I even went solo still making fat stacks and filed silos means I've been doing great!
Snarf Osbert:
Oh wow, you try so hard and still your just a tub of lard, snarf snarf; your so slow, even in the air you don't show your part, simply I got what you want snarf snarf. Ancient age, a good clean coat, snarf snarf; I talk to Third Earth hosts, the animals and the ancient ghosts, snarf snarf.
The only to become a Snarf-Ra always loyal, always against Mumm-ra snarf snarf. I'm incapable of evil, I'm quick as a wit and my head is level snarf snarf, you can't trick me except with toys or gifts, snarf snarf.
The descendant of Ratilla the Terrible wielding the Rat's Eye and just as horrible, flying a rundown Ratstar but I'm good with mechanicals.
The dictator of the rat nation here to force the Thundercats deflation, with every well thought decision watch my formers and brothers cause your submission.
I bought my people from Slythe's kind for what Jaga tried to make impossible to find, Plun-darr where my Castle, nation and sword hid until the cat fools went on their raid grabbed the sword and made the rocks rain destroying it all I fled to a new plain.
The ancient spirits:
Boar, Crocodile, Vulture, Ox, Reptilian, Jackel, monkey or box we are the ones from the past and we are still movin, the creators of Plun-darr and Sword of Omens with our ancient secrets honed-in. Snarfs can't refuse our possession unable to be evil and unable to leave their recession but we choose from knowledge not discretion. The dead is making you weep never were you strong, your too weak be careful or your brain might spring a leak this we did for fun now it's time you got powned sons.
Oldest of the new 3 Pumyra and Bengali were saved with me we became Thundercats even thou I cannot see. With my martial arts I'll drop all mutant foes Lunataks, Berserkers or Grune the Destroyer, more I'm sure and they will succumb~ or run quick into a grave pit!
[Round Two] ::#THUNDERcats::#Ho::
Thundercats why won't you just go, leave me and my home alone flee to New Thundera so~ I can be loved again N on my throne.
Coming here was a mistake regardless what it takes, staying here is a deadly choice to make again leaving, you should partake. I was loved by all when I naturally parted they continued my aura by truly believing fully-harted and they even chanted me back with the rulers before me picking the slack I'm Mumm-ra the Ever-living to hack your bodies into the perfect snack!
The last Ancient ruler with unbound wisdom I'm the deception master rebuilding his Kingdom and my magic is brighter then light on Jaga's dome. My energy blasts are bigger then any caliber without those I still tricked King Arthur for his Excalibur I even puppeteered you fools throughout the calender. This world use to worship me, Panthor's family still follows me; admit it Third Earth is just on the eve of being only evil beings and Wherever evil exists, Mumm-Ra lives!
Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats ... Ho! You don't rule we took over so flop back in that sarcophagus thou don't think you won't have to take all-of-us but as for your fights I'm first and incase you didn't notice I'm the worst.
The artifacts given to me gives me sight beyond sight the shield that never breaks in a fight a claw that saves my hide when times are tight. Thunderian to oversee your tyranny, silent swiftness ta-slit your ever being and your loudness is only cause you see me! I piss you off so you never succeed you think your great but I always make you bleed. You return to the pyramid your home, you never understand you can't make it on your own, the dark arts has your mind blown and you wonder why you can't survive!
Fail, fail and fail again so the evil spirits will trap you again, there's nothing you can do so allow this enter-luid, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats ... Ho!
Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 8.6 and reading ease of 77%. This puts the writing level on par with Leo Tolstoy and David Foster Wallace.