Reject establishment media!
The entire establishment media industry should be boycotted and shunned considering how their primary mission and intentions are to manipulate what the public thinks about and how they feel about any given issue. And while establishment “news and entertainment” presentations are designed to appeal the existing or programmed in biases of opposing factions of the public, this plays right into the establishment’s divide, conquer, and exploit the public strategies - which amounts to one aspect of their routine criminal business which facilitates and enables all kinds of establishment crimes.
Linked above is an excellent presentation describing much of what’s going on in the West today from a psychological standpoint. We’ve been openly moving in this direction for fifty years as establishment media has and does play a huge part in the continuous deceptions committed by complicit government(s), media, and industries exploiting the public with their concerted efforts.
The clear and obvious path to absolving ourselves of this viral expansion of influence and power is to opt out and turn our attention to self sustainable non-profit oriented platforms offering mutual aid and most importantly self sovereignty.
My hopes are that at some point, a social web of truth will be carved from the abyss following destruction of the new world order.. But that would be wishful thinking.