in #social3 years ago


Recently a large debate has arisen in Indian Peninsula over the practice of Hijab by Muslim women in educational institutions. It started in an Indian state ,Karnataka, where some students wearing Hijab were denied entry into an educational institution around starting of New Year 2022.

Hijab is wore by Muslim women to maintain modesty and privacy from unrelated males as depicted in The Holy Book "Qur'an". As the first issue arose out of a Institutions and within a week it started flouring in many institutions and News and Social media handles. Different opinions started, some were in support and some were against.

As in globalized world any news spread faster than the speed of a tiger, This issue taken a whole Hindu Muslim controversy on Peak again as before the Pandemic when CAA and NRC protests were held in The Capital. The videos of Hindu people wearing Bhagwa scarf stopping muslim women wearing Hijabs were all over social media. Recently just before this issue another issue regarding Muslims paying their Namaz on road in Gurgaon was very hot in country for few days but then administrative authorities took some steps to stop vandalism and any unfortunate event, that issue is still under Judicial Review.

The validation and invalidation regarding Hijab practice, I'll put up in next Blog !

So what is that thing which stucked in my mind while reading and analyzing the issue. So The Big Question of today is why this issue started flouring now whereas the practice is going on through the ages ??

Well! If you look into a bigger picture then this issue started with The announcement of Election Commission of India about the election in India's five states : Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur. We are aware that election are won through the practice of Divide and Rule so The elections in India's three strategically important states in terms of Politics. It is set pattern to polarize the Voting and Voters and this issue expose communal rifts to easily alter the voter and his access to free vote. This Hijab issue is used by different political parties to their political gains.

Every time when there is an election scheduled in India, a social issue arises out of no where to disturb communal harmony and to polarizing the World's biggest Democracy. We need to understand we are living in world which is on the edge of loosing the sustainability due to our aspiration of becoming Greater Power in the Universe, we don't need another cause to destabilize the Human survival. Humanity is already on the edge on biological and cyber warfare. We need to consider that the election is For the betterment of a State not a particular sect or Religion, It's the high time to part our religious ways from the politics. Religion and Politics should be considered two different entity because religion should be solely personal matter whereas Politics should be inclusion of all with different ideologies on a single plate. It may sound Idealist but for the survival and sustainability of Humanity : It is the ultimate need of the hour.

Finally I would emphasis on peaceful resolution of this issue where no-one's educational rights would be infringed and they would be casting their vote not to their Religion but to Development, skilling in IT sector, sustainability of universe and overall to Humanity.

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