Jejak Cyrille Regis di Sepakbola Inggris

in #soccer7 years ago

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Legenda West Bormwich Albion, Cyrille Regis sudah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya pada 14 Januari 2018, namun jasanya dalam sepakbola, khususnya saat memperkuat West Bormwich masih dikenang. Ia pernah bermain sebanyak 241 kali untuk The Baggies dan mampu mencetak 81 gol.

Selain menjadi legenda di West Borm, ia juga merupakan salah satu pelopor pemain berkulit hitam di Inggris bersama Laurie Cunningham dan Brendon Batson.

Pemain yang memiliki garis keturunan Guyana ini, lahir pada 9 Februari 1958 di Prancis dan pindah ke Inggris pada tahun 1962 bersama keluarganya.

Di level timnas, Regis sejatinya bisa memilih untuk bermain bersama Timnas Prancis maupun Inggris. Namun, ia menjatuhkan pilihannya untuk The Three Lions. Regis mencatat lima caps bersama tim senior, tiga caps di England B, dan enam caps di level U-21.

Selain bermain untuk West Borm, Regis juga pernah memperkuat Conventry City. Di klub inilah ia pernah meraih trofi Piala FA pada tahun 1987. Saat itu, Conventry berhasil mengalahkan Tottenham Hotspur dengan skor 3-2 di partai final.

Pemain yang berposisi sebagai striker ini tampil cukup gemilang bersama kedua klub yang dibelanya, yaitu West Bormwich dan Conventry. Berkat penampilan apiknya di level klub ia berhasil menembus dan bermain bersama The Three Lions.

Kini, setelah ia meninggal, jasanya bagi kesebelasan yang dibelanya masih dikenang. Pemilik West Bromwich, John Williams turut berbelasungkawa atas kepergian sang legenda. John megatakan, fans West Borm juga akan merasa kehilangan atas kepergian Regis.

“Ini sangat mengejutkan dan mengganggu pikiran. Kami turut memberikan bela sungkawa yang dalam kepada keluarga Cyrille. Kami juga mengetahui kepergian Cyrille akan dirasakan secara mendalam di antara semua pendukung kami, mengingat dia adalah pahlawan,” ujarnya, dikutip The Guardian.

Traces of Cyrille Regis in English Football

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West Bormwich Albion legend Cyrille Regis has died on January 14, 2018, but his services in football, especially when West Bormwich are still remembered. He has played 241 times for The Baggies and scored 81 goals.

In addition to being a legend in West Borm, he is also one of the pioneers of black players in the UK with Laurie Cunningham and Brendon Batson.

This Guyana-born player, born on February 9, 1958 in France and moved to England in 1962 with his family.

At the level of the national team, Regis can actually choose to play with the French and English national team. However, he dropped his choice for The Three Lions. Regis recorded five caps with the senior team, three caps in England B, and six caps at U-21 level.

In addition to playing for West Borm, Regis has also strengthened Conventry City. In this club he had won the FA Cup trophy in 1987. At that time, Conventry managed to beat Tottenham Hotspur with a score of 3-2 in the final.

The player who plays as a striker appears quite bright with both clubs that he defended, namely West Bormwich and Conventry. Thanks to his slick appearance at club level he managed to break through and play with The Three Lions.

Now, after he died, his services to the teams he defended are still remembered. The owner of West Bromwich, John Williams also condolences over the departure of the legend. John said, West Borm fans will also feel the loss of the departure of Regis.

"This is very shocking and disturbing. We also offer deep condolences to the Cyrille family. We also know that Cyrille's departure will be felt deeply among all our supporters, considering he is a hero, "he said, quoted by The Guardian.

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